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高三英语一轮复习教案:Unit 4




1.have a population of just under a million people 人口不足100万

帮你归纳è ①Population作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,但前面如果有百分之几或几分之几时,谓语动词用复数形式。

②population 作主语时,用what提问,不用how much或 how many。

What is the population ofChina?

③population 表示某地有多少人口时,前面常常加冠词a或the;表示人口多或少时,用large或small。

练一练: The population ofChinais larger than_that______ ofJapan.

The population of our country A_____over one thousand million the majority of whom____ peasants.

A. is;are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are

2.be located in/on/near…坐落于。。。

be located in/on/near…坐落于。。。belocated in/on/near…坐落于。。。

The three theaters are located in the center of thetown.这三家剧院位于小城中心。

帮你归纳 èbe与动词的过去分词连用,表示状态。类似的还有:

be determined to do sth.下决心做某事; __be lost inthought__________________ 陷入沉思; be seated__________就坐;

be married to sb.与某人结婚; bedevoted to doing奉献与____________; _be prepared for___________ 为…做好准备;

__be supposed to_______________应该做…;be tired of _讨厌__________;be satisfied / pleased with对......满意___________;

_be filled with________________充满;_be dressedin_______________ 穿着; be equipped with _装备着__________

3.go back(时代上)“追溯到,回溯”常与to连用,常用于现在时态。

=date from=date _back to_______ The custom goesback to Roman times.

go back走回去,返回 He went back to get his bag.他返回去拿包。

3. settle vi.定居,安家 vt.解决

Shesettled in Vienna after her father’s death.父亲死后,她就在维也纳定居了。

It’s timeyou settled your differences with your father.


4. as well as 相当于notonly…but also…,但强调的是前者。

He as wellas I agrees with you.

=Not only_do I agree with you butalso he agrees ___________________ with you.不但我同意你,而且他也同意你。

帮你归纳è ①主语+as well as+……,谓语动词与前面主语保持一致。

②aswell as 有时相当于一个介词短语,后面跟动名词、名词或代词作宾语。

③aswell as 有时可用作比较结构,意为:与……一样好。

④may/mightas well…不妨……,还是……的好

You may(just)as well tellme the truth.你还是对我说实话的好

明辨异同as well/too/also/either都表示“也;还”,但位置不同。

①as well常放在句末。 ②too用于句中或句末,用逗号隔开。



He is an artist. He is a writer C .

A. either B. also C. as well D. as well as

5. view n.观点,意见,想法;能看见的东西,视力视野

come into view=comeinto sight 看得见,出现

in one’sview=in one’s opinion 在某人看来

in view of 鉴于;由于

e.g. Everyone atthe meeting had different views. 与会人员各执己见。

What’s your view on the subject? 你对这个问题的看法如何?

In view of the weather, we had to put offthe meeting.


明辨异同 view, scenery, scene 与sight

(1)view指从远处、高处看到的景象。 (2)scenery指某地方总的自然景观。



The practice of hanging clothes across thestreet is a commonC in many parts of thecity. (2007年安徽)

A. look B. sign C. sight D. appearance

6. average n.平均数;平均水平; vt.平均,均分;求平均值; adj.平均的;普通的,一般水平的

What is the average rainfall for August inyour country?平均降雨量是多少? (adj.)

If you average 7, 14 and 6, you get 9. 7,4,6的平均数为9 (vt.)

帮你归纳è above/belowaverage在一般水平以上/以下

the average temperature平均气温


e.g.The age of these students is 15 on average.这些学生的平均年龄是15岁。

7. made the whole countryanuclear-free zone èmake+宾语+宾补

帮你归纳è①make +n.+ n.“使…成为…” ②make+n.+ adj.使…怎么样

make him _captain__(队长) of our football team make life easy

③make+sb.+ do sth.“使某人做某事”,此句型若变成被动语态,后面的动词不定式前要加“to“,构成sb. be _made to do ___ sth.结构。makehavelet sb do sth=get sb to do sth

④make+n.+过去分词 make oneself heard/understood/known …使自己被……

⑤ make+ it+形容词/n.+不定式短语(从句)

We have made it clear whoever breaks the law will be punished.

People in the West make it a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.

帮你归纳èWords that go withdo and make :

do homework/ the shopping/ some shopping/ some reading /verywell/the dishes/ the ironing

make a guess /a phone call /a suggestion/ your bed/ a noise/ a cupof tea/ an arrangement


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