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Third degree burns

Affect_____ ________ layers of the skin.


______ can

be seen.

______ or ____ pain if the nerves are damaged.

Black and white and _______.

6..Answer the questions(Page35 Ex3)

1).Why should you put cold water on a burn?

Because the cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and reduces the swelling.

2). Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?

Because in the third degree burn the nerves have been damaged. If there are no nerves, there is no pain.

3). Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?

Because bacteria from the clothes and jewellery could infect the burns.

4). If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?

Because all the layers of the skin have been burnt showing the tissue underneath.

7.Decide whether the first aid treatment is Right (R) or Wrong (W). (35 Ex4)

Period Two &Three

Language points

1. aid  [U] &[C]  help; something that gives help帮助,援助 ;助手,辅助设备 ;救护

first aid    急救        come/ go to sb’s aid 援助某人

cut off aids 终止援助    with the aid of  在… 的帮助下/借助于

in aid of sth/sb 为了帮助

a hearing aid助听器  teaching aids教具 medical aid医疗救护

vt. give help to 1.帮助,援助 2.急救

aid sb with sth      帮助某人做某事

aid sb in doing sth    帮助某人做某事

Eg.  He came to my aid at once.

He was able to find the museum with the aid of a map.

We aided him in raising the money.

He raised money in aid of the sick.

2. temporary 暂时的,临时的temporary relief from pain短暂的解痛

temporary work/ solution临时工作/解决办法

3. fall ill          生病    属短暂性动词, 不与for + 时间段连用

be ill           指生病的状态,是持续性行为, 可与for  + 时间段连用

His wife suddenly fell ill last week.  He has been ill for a week.

fall    用作系动词,后常接形容词.

fall asleep           睡着  fall silent            沉默不语

4. injure v.   injury n.    injured adj.

*get injured  受伤


Get lost/get paid/ get damaged/ get married/ get broken/ get repaired /get burned/get infected

*injury n. 受伤处; 损害; 伤害injury to sth.   …(部位)的伤

He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.


The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.


**区别wound, injure, harm  与 hurt:

wound  指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤等, 尤指在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。

injure  指意外或事故造成损伤,强调功能的损失。

harm  指损害有生命或无生命的东西;也可指肉体上或精神上的损害。

hurt   (普通用语)指任何肉体或精神上的伤害。尤指打伤,刺伤;还可表示“疼痛”。

The bullet wounded him in his arm.子弹打伤了他的手臂。

He was injured in a traffic accident.他在一次交通事故中受了伤。

We won’t do anything that will harm the cause of peace.


He meant no harm.

He fell off the ladder and hurt his leg.


The hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.

5. bleed (bled ,bled)  bloody  a.

vi. lose blood流血;失血

Your arm is bleeding, put a bandage on it. 你的手臂在流血,用绷带包扎一下。

He was bleeding to death. 他流血不止而死去。

His nose is bleeding. /He is bleeding at the nose.

vi. feel pity or sorrow悲痛;伤心

My heart bleeds for the poor little child. 我的心为这小孩子悲哀。

vt. take blood from放血;抽血Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill医生过去常常为生病的人放血bleed white流尽鲜血

6 choke    vi. & vt. 窒息; 阻塞

She choked with emotion.   她激动得说不出话来。

The smoke almost choked me. 烟呛得我几乎喘不出气来。


1.barrier n.[C] 障碍 (物) ,阻碍,隔阂,

a language barrier语言障碍   a barrier to progress对进步的阻碍

cross the barrier of... 越过…的障碍,突破…的障碍

put a barrier between. 使… (两者) 之间产生隔阂,挑拨离间…

The horse took the barrier easily. 那匹马轻松地越过了障碍。

Poor health may be a barrier to success. 健康欠佳可能成为取得成功的障碍.

2. poison n. 毒物;毒药

It acts like slow poison. 它有慢性毒药的作用      a deadly poison致命的毒药

get poisoned by eating sth由于吃某物而中毒

kill oneself by poison服毒自杀    take poison 服毒

Hate is a poison to mankind. 仇恨对人类十分有害。

v. 毒害;使中毒;放毒

be poisoned to death被毒死

If the tobacco plant is eaten, it can quickly poison a person如果吃了烟草,人就会很快中毒。They poisoned the food that the rats ate. 他们在给老鼠吃的食物里放了毒药。

Envy of his friend's success poisoned his mind.嫉妒朋友的成功使他产生了邪念.

poisonous  adj

3. …and it gives you your sense of touch.

sense of touch 触觉                 sense of sight 视觉

sense of hearing 听觉               sense of taste 味觉

Sense of humor 幽默感             sense of beauty 美感

sense of direction 方向感            sense of urgency紧迫感

短语: make sense有道理,讲得通,  make sense of理解 in a sense   在某种意义上, Common sense  常识

4 treatment  不可数名词 “ 对待, 待遇,处理; 治疗

The workers received good treatment from the government工人们受到政府优厚的待遇.

可数名词 .  “ 疗法”  treatment for + 疾病的名词治…病的方法

They are trying a new treatment for cancer. 他们正在实验一种治疗癌症的新疗法.

be under treatment 在治疗中be under one’s treatment        接受某人的治疗

5.variety  vary  v.   various adj

n.[U] change; being different变化;多样性;各种各样

My job is boring; there's no variety. 我的工作使人厌烦——没有变化。

I don't like to always eat the same food. I like variety. 我不喜欢老吃同样的东西——我喜欢变变花样

n.[U]choice; number of different things供选择的种类;种种

There's a large variety of dishes on the menu菜单上有许多种菜可数名词

n.[C] sort,kind种类,品种This variety of apple is very sweet.这种苹果很甜

There are new varieties of wheat. 麦子有许多新品种

6,mild  aj. 轻微的、不严重的; 温和的、暖和的;味淡的    mildly adv

Edward suffered a mild heart attack.爱德华犯了轻微的心脏病。

She’s the mildest person I have ever met in my life. 她是我平生见到过的最温柔的人了。

I like this brand of wine because it's very mild我喜欢喝这个牌子的酒,因为它的味很淡

a mild climate 温暖的天气   mild cheese 淡味奶酪

*7.heal vt&vi

vt. 医治 <伤、痛> , (尤指伤口)治愈;修理 <故障等> 恢复健康

heal a wound

Time heals all sorrows时间可治愈一切悲伤。

He was miraculously healed of cancer他的癌症被奇迹似地治愈。

Vi  治愈,痊愈The wound has not healed yet伤口尚未愈合

healer (cn) 医治者;治疗物 Time is a great healer. 时间能够治好创伤。

辨析:treat,  heal,  cure

treat “治疗”,着重强调过程,不涉及结果,不一定治愈。heal 多用于治疗外伤。cure “治愈”,强调结果。

8.electric shock 触电



electricity电,电力. 电力学

E.g. electric generator 发电机,    electric cooker 电炉,

electric iron 电熨斗,   electric engineer  电机工程师

9. swell  ( swelled ; swollen, swelled ) v. 使膨胀,增大,隆起

The doctor examined the swelling on my back.

The sprain made my ankle swell up. 我的脚踝扭伤肿了起来。

Her leg has swollen badly. 她的腿肿得很厉害

The wind swelled the sails. 风鼓起了帆。

The heavy rain swelled the river大雨使河水上涨了。.

swollen   可作形容词,表示“ 肿胀的”

Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping.   她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。

10.unbearable  a. 不能容忍的 经受不住的

unbearable sorrow难忍的悲哀


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