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牛津上海版高二上学期英语module3教案范文:The world of science



在19世纪初叶________________________ 在20世纪80年代晚期______________________ 在凌晨时分 __________________________ 在傍晚时候 _______________________________ 在初春时节___________________________ 仲夏夜之梦________________________________ 在他年近花甲的时候___________________ 在他步入而立之时__________________________

8. at a much younger age than normal 正常温度 恢复正常

adv. normally

9. in the animal world动物界 the world of art/sport ____________ the film world______________ in the world of science = in the field of science ________________________________________ feel on top of the world ____________________ a world of surprise _______________________

10. in general一般说来,总体看,大体上 Generally, red is the most popular color this season. in a general way_______________________ as a general rule _________________________

11. scientific advance

科学研究_________________ 科学成就________________ 科学进步 __________________ 科学发现_________________ 科学发展观 _________________________________________ 查词典:breakout__________ handover________ breakdown________ makeup _____________

12. be praised for (doing) sth ____________________ Be well worth praise(s)/ praising In praise of sing high praise for

13. consider cloning human beings

(1). 考虑 consider +n./v-ing consider a travel plan/changing a job. I’m considering where I should go for the National Day holiday. (句型转换) I’m considering _______ _______ ________ for the National Day holiday.

(2). 认为consider…as/to be/不填…. 翻译:林肯被认为是美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 类似的结构还有: have … as … ; regard … as… ; treat … as… ; think of … as/to be …; look on … as…; take … as …; count … as…; see … as…; view … as…; refer to …as / to be …等。 郑和被认为是 “中国的哥伦布”。(refer)_____________________________________________ Bell was generally considered ____________ the telephone. A. to invent

B. inventing C. having invented D. to have invented

将上句改写再比较总结:It was generally considered ____________________________________ _________ she’s only a beginner of English, she’s speaking quite well. A. Considered B. Considering C. To consider D. to be considered

14. concentrate on 全神贯注

同义短语有:centre on, focus on, , fix one’s attention on,

pay attention to, be absorbed/buried/lost/engaged in, be addicted to, devote one’s energy to,

put one’s heart into, apply oneself/one’s mind to

15. intention

(1) 后面常用动词不定式做表语或定语。类似用法的词还有:aim, ambition, duty, hope, idea, mistake, plan, purpose, suggestion等。例如:

他的目的是造出新的人体组织和器官。 My aim in life is to save the environment for future generation. (2) with the intention of 带着(怀着)??的意图

I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, but I never did.

_______________________________________________________________________________ He has decided to go abroad to study _________________________________________________ ______________________________________(期望提高英语并且在回国能找到更好的工作。) without intention _________________ make one’s intention clear __________________________ state/ announce one’s intention ______________________________________________________

15. show no respect for 不尊重

show sympathy for___________________ show love for _______________ show concern for ____________________

show mercy on _________________

show around ____________ show off ______________ show up ______________________

16. cause a lot of anxiety 引起极大地焦虑

anxiety n. 焦虑;担心 n. 渴望;欲望 试译出下列斜体短语的意思: He was waiting for his brother’s return with anxiety (= anxiously).

Jackson’s poor performances at school caused his parents great anxiety. (give anxiety to) Although his grades are not so satisfactory, he seems to feel no anxiety for his future.

The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.

The manager’s anxiety to please his boss turned out to be a failure.



渴望做某事be anxious to do/ be anxious that

有大量的毕业生渴求工作。 There are 类似的短语有:hope for/to do; desire for/to do; long for/to do; die for/to do; have an itch for/to do; be eager for/to do; feel an urge to do

17. of one’s own (某人)自己的=one’s own + n a room of my own = my own room 我自己的房间 (all)on one’s own =

18. adopt someone else’s child (1) 收养,领养

Many families 许多家庭因为不能生养孩子只能领养。 (2)采用,采纳

They 他们采纳了我的建议,训练这些被收养的孩子的独立生活能力。

The medicine was developed _______ the most advanced technique in the world.(适当形式填空) adopt/adapt辨析: adapt 使适合;使适应 常见结构有: adapt…to…; adapt…for… She had to adapt herself __________ the local conditions. 她必须使自己适应当地的情况。 This English novel was adapted ____________ the stage. 这部小说被改编成了剧本。


If I had the chance, I would clone her immediately so that I could be with her again. (Line 50, Page 43) 要是我有足够的钱,我就买所大房子和一辆漂亮的车、 要是你采纳我的建议,就不会通不过考试了。


20. While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with

research so as to deliver a cloned human baby.

句中while 是连词,意思是“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,通常位于主句前面。如: While I show pity on the the victims in the southeastern Asian hurricane, I can’t help them but to give





________________________________________________________________ 虽然英语学起来可能有点难,但它是非常有用的交际工具。



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