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牛津译林版高二上学期英语教案范文:Unit 2 Language



(4) Presenting

Students present their booklet to the whole class by taking turns to talk about each section of their booklet. Everyone in each group should have a chance to speak.

Step 6  Language points

1. The way a written language developed can tell us just as much about a culture as the history of a spoken language. 一种书面语言的发展方式, 能告诉我们关于一种口语的历史,同样也告诉我们文化方面的东西.

l                       我不喜欢他对待孩子的方式.     I don’t like the way he treats his child.

l                       他解决问题的方式很奇特.       The way he solved the problems was strange.

2. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. 汉语与很多西方语言不同, 区别在于汉语使用的基本单位汉字本身就具有意义.

differ from不同于; 有区别 = be different from

l                       Men are alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ (from each other).


l                       I’m sorry to differ from/ with you about that question.

对不起, 关于这个问题我与你的看法不同.


make a/ no/ some/little difference 有一点/没有/有些/几乎没有作用/关系/影响

l                       对我来说,你走或留都没有关系.

It doesn’t make any difference to me whether you go or stay.

3. in that 因为; 原因是; 在于

l                       He differed from other people in that he always looked farther ahead in his work.


4. Chinese people invented numerous characters to represent ideas, objects or actions.


represent  vt.

1). 表现;描写;描画

l                       This painting represents a storm. 这幅画描绘暴风雨。

2). 代表

l                       We chose a committee to represent us. 我们选出一个委员会来代表我们。

5. Chinese words are often formed by combining different characters.

combine v. 使联合/结合 常与介词with 连用

l                       这两个党不可能联合在一起。 It’s impossible to combine the two parties.

l                       我们应该使理论与实践相结合。 We should combine theory with practice.

l                       这两个小店合并起来成为一个大商店。The two small shops combined to make a large one.


l                       His character is a combination of strength and kindness.他的性格是刚与柔的结合。

6. However, not all characters are used to describe objects.


◆当not与all, both, everyone, everything, everywhere, everyday 等连用时为部分否定, 意为”并不都......”

1. All that glitters is not gold. = Not all that glitters is gold.   闪光的并不都是金子。

2. Both of them haven’t read this story. = Only one of them has read this story.并非他们二人都看过这个故事。

3.This kind of flower can’t be seen everywhere.这种花不是随处可见的。

◆当not与any, anyone, anywhere, anything 连用或出现no, nothing, nobody, nowhere, none时是完全否定.

l                       We fear no difficulty. = We don’t fear any difficulty. 我们不怕困难。


l                       All of us do not agree to the plan. 我们并不是都同意这个计划。

l                       None of us agree(s) to the plan. 我们都不同意这个计划。

l                       Everything is not ready. 并不是一切都准备好了。

l                       Nothing is ready. 一切都没准备好。

7. Though pictographs indicate meanings, they do not show how they should be pronounced.

尽管象形字可以表意, 但它们不可以表音.


1). 指出; 指示; 标示

l                       A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow. 一个路标给我们指出应走的路。

2). 暗示

l                       I indicated that his help was not welcome. 我表示他的帮助不受欢迎。

3). 表示明白

l                       In this map, the towns are indicated by red dots. 在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。

Step 7  Homework

1.                   Do Parts B1 and B2 on page 99 in Workbook.

2.                   Do Parts D1 and D2 on page 101 in Workbook.

看完威廉希尔app 推荐的高二上学期英语教案范文,相信大家现在对教学内容有了更好的规划了吧。


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