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高二英语module1教案设计:Unit 1 Eating around the world



● Finding a table for dinner (找餐桌)

1. Can we take that table over there? 我们可以坐那边的那张桌子吗 ?

2. Have you got a table for four? 你们有供四人用餐的桌子吗?

3. I prefer the one in that quiet corner. 我喜欢在那安静角落里的那张桌子 。

4. Is the table free, waiter? 服务员,这张桌子空着吗 ?

5. No, this table is too close to the door. I don’t like it.

6. This one is good. Let’s take it. 这张桌子不错。我们坐这儿吧。

● Seating the diner (给就餐者安排座位)

1. Could you follow me, please? 请随我来。

2. Here is your table. Is it all right? 这儿是您的桌子。行吗 ?

3. I’m afraid there is no other place free at the moment. 目前恐怕没有别的空位了。

4. I’m sorry, sir, the one by the window has been booked by telephone. Would you like to sit over there near the door?

5. There’s a table for four over there. Would you like it?

● Asking if the diner is ready to order (询问就餐者是否准备点菜了)

1. Would you like to order now, sir? 现在您想点菜吗,先生 ?

2. Have you decided what you’d like? 您决定吃什么菜了吗 ?

3. Are you ready to order, sir? 您准备点菜了吗 ,先生 ?

4. Can I take your order now? 现在我可以请您点菜了吗 ?

5. Have you chosen something? 您选好菜了吗 ?

● Asking what the diner would like to have (询问就餐者想吃什么)

1. And what to follow? 接下来要上什么 ?

2. What soup would you prefer? And what kind of fish do you like?

3. What would you like to start / begin with? 您想开始先点些什么?

4. Would you care for a drink before you order, sir? 点菜以前您想喝点饮料吗 ?

5. What dishes would you like? 您要什么菜 ?

● Finding out what the restaurant has today (了解餐馆今天有什么菜肴)

1. Could we have a look at the menu first, please? 我们先看看菜单好吗 ?

2. What do you have today for breakfast? 今天早餐你们供应什么 ?

3. What’s special for tonight? 今晚有什么特色菜 ?

4. What else have you got on the menu? 你们菜单上还有什么别的吗 ?

5. What kind of seafood do you have? 你们有哪些海味 ?

● Ordering a meal (点菜)

1. Get me some chicken salad, please. 请给我来点鸡肉色拉 。

2. Bring me two beers, please. 请来两杯啤酒。

3. Anything is all right with me. I will order the same.

4. I think I’ll have soup to start with.

5. It sounds good. I’d like to try the chicken.

● Asking how the diner would like something (询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求)

1. Do you like your tea strong or weak? 您喜欢茶浓点还是淡点 ?

2. How would you like them prepared? 你喜欢菜怎么做 ?

3. Would you like it rare, medium, or well-done? 您喜欢做得嫩一点,中等程度还是老一点 ?

4. You want it now or after dinner?

5. How would you like it done?

● Expressing hospitality (表示殷勤款待)

1. Have some and I’m sure you’ll like it.

2. Help yourself to anything you like.

3. Do have some more, there’s plenty left. 再吃点吧,还有很多呢。

4. Try some of this, please. 尝尝这个吧。

5. Shall I make you a glass of beer? 我给你倒一杯啤酒好吗 ?

● Responding to hospitality (对殷勤款待的应答)

1. I don’t think I could eat another bite. 我想我一口也再吃不下去了。

2. All right, but only a small piece.

3. It’s really delicious, but I honestly couldn’t eat any more.

4. I’ve had more than enough.

5. No, thanks. I don’t drink any wine.

● Paying the bill (付帐)

1. Can I have the bill, please? 请把帐单给我好吗 ?

2. It’s my treat this time. I’ll pay. 这次我请客。我来付。

3. Let’s go Dutch this time. 这次我们各付各的。

4. Waiter! The bill / check, please.

5. Let me pay this time. You can pay next time.




1. Design a questionnaire about the eating habits among Shanghai people.

2. Prepare for a brief account of the social survey.

3. Exchange the result of the survey among groups.

4. One representative of each group is to be selected to give a presentation in the class.


Writing—Chronological Order

Put the following sentences in a correct order to make up a passage. The first sentence is given.

A Noble Gift

A.  One of the most famous monuments in the world, the statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.

B. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete.

C. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour.

D. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.

E. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.

F. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall, had been erected in Paris.

G. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.

H. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America.

I. Before it could be translated to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.

1. A 2.___3.___4.___5.___6.___7.___8.___9.___

(keys: 1.A 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.C 6.F 7.H 8.D. 9.G)


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