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Step 5 Note making

1. Read the example and make sure that the students know what they should do.

2. Tell them they should write simple sentences on the right according to clues given on the left.

3. Let the students to read the passage again and work individually, then check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested notes:

1971: Disney World was opened in Florida

1983: Tokyo Disney was opened

1992: Euro Disney was opened in France

Rules the workers must follow: They must wear clean shoes and clean trousers. The men are not allowed to have beards. The long hair must be tied back. They always smile, and are always friendly and polite to visitors.

Step 6 Practice

1.Say to the students: A friend of mine went to Disneyland last year. She thought that it was very interesting. She noticed that some people wearing the nineteenth-century clothes. She discovered the food was quite expensive.

3. Write the last three sentences on the Bb. Revise the forms of Object Clause and point out the use of that, the verbs are in the past tense.

4. Go through the example and the first three sentences orally with the students. Then let them work alone. Check the answers with the whole class.


1) I found that the film studios were not in the same park.

2) I considered that the park was good value for the money.

3) I believed that Walt Disney made the first cartoons.

4) I noticed that all the workers in the parks were cleanly dressed and very polite.

5) I discovered that their hotel was only 15 kilometers from the coast.

6) I knew that our organizer had been to Disneyland before.

7) I hope that we were going to spend a whole week near Disneyland.

8) I was sure that we would not be able to see everything in the park.

9) I found that the bus would be the easiest way to get to the park.

Step 7 Language points

1.as far as 远到,到...为止

as far as 据..., 就...,跟从句,表示程度,

as well as = besides, and 除了...还有,和.

as good as = almost 几乎,差不多,就象...一样

2. look like 似乎,看起来象 = seem to be 后接名词或动名词

3.bring on = cause sb. or sth. to appear 带来;cause sth. such as illness引起

4.though 和although的区别

Step 8 Discussion

Work in pairs, discuss this question base on your opinions.

If you are manager of Disneyland, what will you build in it?

Step 9 Homework

1.Do Ex. 1 on page 75 and Ex. 2 on page 77 of your workbook.

2. Retell this two passages with your own words.






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