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人教版英语高二下册Body language教案模板精选



英语是现在世界上用的最多的一门语言,许多国家都在学英语和用英语,所以,学好了英语,出门就不怕沟通不方便了。精品小编准备了人教版英语高二下册Body language教案模板,具体请看以下内容。


I 重点词汇:

manage; wave; nod; realize; agreement, disagreement; while, manners; communicate; make sb….;body language; one another; not all…



May / Could / Can I do that?

I wonder if I can do that.

Would / Do you mind if I come earlier?

Will you tell me if can go now?


Yes, please. / Of course. / Sure. / Certainly.

Go ahead, please.

That’s all right. / OK.

It’s all right to me.


I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed here.

You’d better not.

I’m afraid not. It’s not right.





This lesson is to use offer help and how to accept and refuse help. While the Ss learn about the way of expression from the dialogue. Give some phrases to practise how to use and grasp better the ability.


This two materials about body language and train the Ss' abilities of reading and speaking. Though reading the passages, the main idea is to have difference body languages of the countries. For example; welcome, agreement and disagreement, no, yes, happy, so on. Meanwhile the two passages offer the Ss the opportunity to talk about the body language of China , British and other counties.


The teacher give the Ss the questions bout the dialogue firstly. For example: If you need some help , how do you offer them to help? So on.

The teacher help the Ss to listen in order to understand well, after that the Ss speak and talk each other according the content of the dialogue., So the teacher organize some students to play a role about offers, or divide a few groups to discuss. Finally the teacher summarize the useful expression of the dialogue.

高中是人生中的关键阶段,大家一定要好好把握高中,编辑老师为大家整理的人教版英语高二下册Body language教案模板,希望大家喜欢。


2016学年高二英语A taste of English humour教案封面

人教版英语高二下学期A taste of English humour教案模板参考


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