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高二下册英语教案范文:A taste of English humour



高手过招  完成句子

1)The child is _______ ________ _________ his building blocks.  孩子在搭积木玩。

2)_______ _______ few ________ in that town.  那个镇上几乎没有娱乐设施。

3)This type of robot is intended only _______ ________.  这类机器人是为娱乐而设计的。

5. throughout

【知识归纳】throughout prep.遍及, 贯穿adv. 到处, 始终, 全部

It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜。

Words and images are being sent throughout the world by mobile phones.?文字和图像正通过移动电话传遍全世界。?

I watched the film and cried throughout.我看那个电影时从头哭到尾。

【联想拓展】1)作介词时,throughout + 地点 = all over + 地点

throughout + 时间 = all through + 时间


throughout the day 整天   throughout one’s life 终生?

throughout history 在整个历史上   throughout the century 整个世纪?

throughout the country 遍及全国   throughout the night 整个晚上???

2)throughout 作副词时,常用于句尾。如:?

The house is painted throughout / all over. 这所房子全部油漆了一遍。

高手过招 完成句子

1)The disease spread _______ _______ _______.  这种疾病蔓延全国。

2)It snowed _______ _______ _______.  雪整整下了一夜。

3)The house is _______ _______ ________.这房子处处都建得很好。

6. particular

【知识归纳】particular adj.特殊的,特别的;特有的,独特的;讲究的,苛求的,挑剔的(about/over sth);细致的,详细的

The teacher showed particular concern for the disabled child.老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。

【联想拓展】in particular=especially 特别,尤其


【易混辨析】particular; especial; special 


On that particular day the stores are closed.在特定的那一天店铺都关了门。(平时没有这种现象) 


What are your special interests? 你有些什么特别的爱好?

Collecting stamps is a matter of especial interest. 集邮是特别有趣的事。


You need a special tool to do that.干那个活儿要用专用工具。

Take special care of it.对这东西要特别细心。



1)She is very particular for her clothes.

2)These documents are of particularly importance.



1.We should try to _________ (克服) all difficulties.

2.The famous film was          (导演) by Zhang Yimou.?

3.The dictionary is         (特别)useful for beginners.?

4.Are you          (满意的) with your present salary? ?

5.He was          (惊讶的) to hear that he had got the job.?

6.Soon news spread t    the country.?

7.Success came after many f   .?

8.I’ve been f        to have so many good teachers.?

9.He was given a reward for his o_________ work.?

10. Tom is jobless, penniless and h_______.


direct, entertain, particular, slide, cut off

1. You should be careful when you walk in the street, p_______ when you cross the street.

2. With the electricity _________, all the machines had to stop working.

3. The thief ________ in when he saw the door open.

4. Feng Xiaogang ________ the film A World Without Thieves.

5. He _______ the children while his wife was busy in the kitchen.


1. 这场暴风雪大得让我们吃惊。(snowstorm; astonish)

2. 那个小女孩正在奶奶耳边窃窃私语。(whisper)

3. 她有幸在这部影片中出演主角。(fortunate; star)

4. 我对他的解释不满意。(be content with)

5. 这个山区的风景很迷人。(mountainous; charming)



高二下册英语教案:Unit 1 Women of achievement

高二英语下册教案:Women of achievement


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