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高二英语下册优秀教案:Working the land



Pair work: make up a dialogue for the interview. You, the interviewer, acts as a customer and your partner acts as a salesman. Remember to use the useful expressions.

Explanation: by creating a situation close to life, this part aims to encourage Ss to talk in English, using what they have learned, thus pracising their communicating ability of using language in a true situation. The poster is designed here to let Ss have an initial idea of posters, thus laying a base for the following writing.

Step4. Writing

1. Discuss in pairs:

1) What should be included in a poster? Or what’s the structure?

2) What’s the characteristic of the language used in a poster? (show the poster of “salesman wanted”, and let Ss find out the characteristic according to it)

2. Practise shortening sentences.

Get Ss to shorten the sentences of advantages of green food, and another sentence said by teacher: If you want to be healthier and fitter, you should eat “green food”!

Explanation: By discussing the structure and the language characteristics of a poster, Ss will get a deeper impression of posters, and thus get well prepared for writing. By showing the sample of a poster, Teacher improves Ss’ ability of observing cooperating and deducing.

3. Writing

1) Ss are asked to write a poster for their green food to put it on Rui’An Daily, according to the requirements and reference.


1.  writing in the correct structure.

at least 3 reference words and phrases.

at least 3 shortened sentences .

attractive and persuasive ideas.


Words or expressions :

reduce; supply; free of; grow with natural rather than chemical fertilizers; richer in minerals; keep…free from chemicals; be certain to…, etc.

Function: Shortened sentences, eg, “No chemical fertilizers used”

2) Assessment of the first draft:

1. Does the poster have a clear structure?

2. Do you use at least 3 words and expressions from this unit?

3. Do you use at least 3 shortened sentences?

4. Do you use correct forms in verbs and nouns?

5. Does it sound persuasive?

If all above are done , you will get A.

3)      present a version written by a student. Get Ss to assess it according to the given criteria, and correct mistakes if any.

4)      Get Ss to exchange their writings and assess them.

Explanation: Teacher creates a stage for the writing task to motivate Ss’ interest and eager to write. By giving requirements and reference, Teacher lays emphasis on the form of language and the content of language as well, thus achieving the goal of using language in a true situation. Teacher offers assessment to Ss to guide them to make comments and help them learn from others.

Step5. Topic Summary and Conclusion

1  Ss Summarize their understanding of “green food” with one sentence or proverb and share it with classmates.

2.      Teacher concludes: We are what we eat!

Explanation: Summarizing the topic helps deepen Ss’ understanding of the topic and collecting and sharing the summary helps broaden Ss’ knowledge and make a preparation for the following project. A good conclusion can call on them to pay attention to green food and healthy eating.

Step6. Homework:

Revise and polish the writing.

Assess your writing in pairs according to the given criteria.

Project:  Hold a poster competition

Explanation: This step aims to improve Ss’ writing ability and self-assessing ability by revising and polishing. Assessing in pairs helps achieve the goal of developing Ss’ ability of cooperation, and communication. The competition motivates Ss to perfect their posters, share and learn from others.

Part6. On blackboard design

Unit2 Working the Land

Words & phrases                           useful expressions

reduce                                  what’s the advantage of…?

supply                                  why is this good value?

free of…                                This is good value because…

rich in minerals                       If I have a choice I’d choose…because…

grow with natural fertilizers

be kept free from chemicals

be certain to…

We Are What We Eat!



高二年级英语下册教案:Women of achievement

高二英语必修2单元教案:Working the land


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