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高中高二英语必修四教案:Unit 5 Theme parks



Step VI Homework

Remember all the new words and phrases in the reading passage.

Write a summary of the reading passage using the new words.

Period 5-6 Listening

Step I Revision

Check the students' homework.

Step II Listening (Page37 and 38)

Students are asked to read questions to find out the requirements first, and then listen to the tape three times to complete the matching exercises and answer the eight questions.

T: Please open your books and turn to Page37. Before you listen to the tape, read the requirements and keep them in mind. Pay attention to the important information while listening and you'd better take some notes of it.

T: Different countries have different cultures. Different na¬tional groups have different customs too. In Part 1, we are going to hear about the customs of some national groups. Now let's listen to the recording and try to match each group to an example of its customs.

Students listen to the recording for the first time.

T: Have you got the answers? Let' s check.

Check the answers together.

T: Let's listen to the tape again and answer the questions in

Part 2. You may listen to it twice. Students listen to the recording for another two times. Check the answers to the questions by asking some stu¬dents to answer them.

Step III Listening (Page69)

T: Let's come to the Listening on Page 69. Here we are going to listen to David Evens and Ji Yang who are visiting the Sea World.

Period 7-8 Grammar


1. 合成名词

(1) n+n

air conditioner 空调 blood pressure血压 income tax 所得税 credit card 信用卡

(2) adj + n central bank 中央银行fast food 快餐

solar system 太阳系 remote control 遥控

(3) v-ing +另一词

washing machine 洗衣 driving license 驾驶执照


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