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?Step 1 Lead-in

1.T:Have you ever helped others?What did you do to help your parents?Or other relatives?Or your friends?Or people in your community?Or people outside your community?I'm sure you have a lot to say.OK,four students a group and finish the following survey form.

What do you do to help... Name: Name: Name:

1.your parents?

2.other relatives?

3.your friends?

4.people in your community?

5.people outside your community?

Suggested answers:

What do you do to help... Name:Tom Name:Helen Name:Mary

1.your parents? Clean the floor. Wash dishes. Prepare supper.

2.other relatives? Lend my books and CDs to them. Take care of my cousin while his parents are away. Comfort them when they are sad.

3.your friends? Repair their computers. Help them with the lessons. Do shopping with them.

4.people in your community? Be a coach of the football lovers. Sing and dance for the elders. Help my neighbours carry things home.

5.people outside your community? Plant trees. Help people with disabilities. Return the wallet to the owner.

2.Make a class list of the different things your classmates do for each of the groups on the survey form.

3.Discuss whether someone who helps the groups on the survey form can be called a “volunteer”.

T:Which one can be called a volunteer?Or what kind of things do volunteers do?

Only those who work not for rewards—especially money and materials,and are not forced to do so are volunteers.And not only the person but also the society and the environment benefit from it.For example,Dr Mary Murray was a volunteer working for Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF).

?Step 2 Pre-listening

Now turn to Page 35,read Exercises 1 and 2 in Listening and speaking,and predict what you will hear in the listening material.You can also discuss with your partner.

S1:Now Jennifer Wells is interviewing Dr Mary Murray about what has happened in Mary's life.

S2:She once worked in a clinic in Malawi and Sudan.

S3:Malawi and Sudan are developing countries.

S4:Many children died when she worked in Malawi.

S5:Conditions in the clinics in the Sudan were very terrible and challenging.

S6:Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF)is an organization that provides free medical care to children in poor countries.

T:You see,before listening to the interview,you can get much information,if you study the questions carefully.Now let's listen to the interview.Please pay attention to the time expressions because they use time expressions to talk about Mary's life.And then number them in the order you hear them.

______ in the future ______ during the 1980s

______ for a couple of months ______over the last few years

______ for a further six months ______ in two weeks' time

?Step 3 Listening

1.(The teacher plays the tape and the students listen to it.)

T:Now let's check the answers of Exercise 1.

Keys:__4__ in the future __1__ during the 1980s

__2__ for a couple of months __3__ over the last few years

__6__ for a further six months __5__ in two weeks' time

2.T:Listen again.When you are listening,you can make notes of Mary's experiences in the table below.And share your notes with your partner and then with other groups.

Time Place Event

The 1980s






Suggested answers:

Time Place Event

The 1980s Sydney Studied medicine.Got to know two African students.

1992 Africa Visited her two African friends and their families.Worked in their local health clinic for a couple of months.

1997 Malawi Volunteered with MSF.Worked with children affected by HIV/AIDS.

2001 the Sudan Conditions were very challenging because of the heat,the rains,the basic conditions in the clinics.

Now Australia Has returned for two weeks.

Future Will return to the Sudan for six more months.After that,will probably return to Africa again.

3.T:With a partner answer the questions before you listen for a third time.As you listen check your answers.

(1)Why did Mary decide to work in a developing country?

(2)When Mary worked in a clinic in Malawi,why did the children die?

(3)In the Sudan,why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came?

(4)Why were conditions in the clinics in the Sudan challenging?

(5)Why does Mary enjoy her job?

Suggested answers:(1)Because when she worked in an African health clinic,she saw children with illnesses that could be prevented.

(2)Because the clinics didn't have enough medicines.

(3)Because the roads became so muddy that they spent most of their time digging the car out.

(4)Because it could be very hot;it could be nearly impossible to get to the clinics when it rained;the clinics were very basic and the only tools she had were a stethoscope and her hands.

(5)She feels she is helping people who otherwise may not get help.

?Step 4 Listening on Page 70

T:Perhaps you may wonder what we can do to serve communities outside the school?OK,do Listening in the Workbook on Page 70.

First predict what you will hear,according to the picture and Exercise 1.

1.Listen to their discussion and number the items below in the order that you first hear them.

______ The Cancer Council(委员会)  ______ old people

______ the environment ______ Youth in the City

______ Plan International ______ children in hospital

______ serving soup to the homeless ______ The Fred Hollows Foundation


__3__ The Cancer Council(委员会) __6__ old people

__8__ the environment __4__ Youth in the City

__1__ Plan International __7__ children in hospital

__5__ serving soup to the homeless __2__ The Fred Hollows Foundation

2.Listen again and complete the table.

Organization Who suggested it? What does it do?

1.Plan International Jason Mick Annie

2.The Fred Hollows Foundation Jason Mick Annie

3.The Cancer Council Jason Mick Annie

4.Youth in the City Jason Mick Annie


Organization Who suggested it? What does it do?

1.Plan International Mick Sponors children from poor countries.

2.The Fred Hollows Foundation Annie Helps blind people get their sight back.

3.The Cancer Council Jason Does research into cancer.

4.Youth in the City Mick Supports young people financially to stay on at school.

3.Listen again and list the students' suggestions for raising money.




Suggested answers:1.Run some competitions at lunchtime.

2.Have a concert or movie night.

3.Have a basketball match.

4.Have a personal challenge,like getting someone to sponsor students for walking 25 kilometres.

4.Listen again and list the ways the students could give their time.




Suggested answers:1.Serve soup to homeless people on Fridays.

2.Visit old people and children in hospital every week.

3.Do something for the environment,like tree planting or cleaning up rubbish.

?Step 5 Conclusion

T:We have listened to two materials about giving help to others.I do hope all of us will help those who need help.Remember:You can predict what you will hear before listening.While listening,you should pay attention to the time expressions in the passage which is about some person's experiences.


1.Finish the Listening Task on Pages 75-76.Try to predict what you will hear according to the given information and also pay attention to the time expressions.

2.Look for more information about MSF on the Internet and share it with your partner.

总结:高二英语教案:Sharing教案就为大家介绍到这儿了,祝大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。


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