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高二英语教案:Healthy eating教案



Collocations from COME AND EAT HERE (1)

sit in an empty restaurant坐在空荡荡的餐馆里, feel frustrated感到沮丧, get up early早起, prepare one’s menu of mutton kebabs/roast pork准备(烤羊肉串/烤猪肉)菜肴, by lunchtime到午饭时间, ought to应该,be full of充满……,think of…想到……, cook…in the hottest oil用热油烹调, fried rice炒米饭, taste of fat吃起来油腻, hurry by匆匆走过, eat with sb.与某人吃饭, follow … into…跟随进入, a newly-opened small restaurant一个新开张的餐馆, at the end of the street在街道的尽头, a sign in the window窗子上的一个标牌, be tired of对……厌倦、厌烦, come inside to…走进去, serve slimming food提供苗条食品, make…thin使……变瘦, drive…inside驱使……进入 , a thin lady一位很瘦的女士 come forward向前, take…off…减掉, raw vegetables生菜, be amazed at…对……感到吃惊, cost more than…比……花费多, believe one’s eyes相信自己的眼睛, throw away扔掉;丢弃 hurry outside赶紧出去, on one’s way home在某人回家的路上, be on上演,进行,think about…考虑……, make…fat使……肥胖, find out找到;发现, get away with被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚, tell lies/a lie说谎, do some research做研究, energy-giving food提供能量的食物, become/be tired变累, win… back赢回, feel fit感到健康

6. Understanding difficult sentences

In groups of four, analyze the structure of the difficult sentences. If you have any problems which are too difficult for you to solve do not hesitate to put them to me.

7. Reading and transferring

In pairs, read the text, find information to complete the following form.

Yong Hui’s restaurant Wang Pengwei’s restaurant

selling point selling point

menu menu


For reference

Yong Hui’s restaurant Wang Pengwei’s restaurant

selling point offer slimming food selling point offer energy-giving food

menu raw vegetables, fruit and water menu mutton kebabs, roast pork, fried rice, sugary cola, ice cream

measures offer balanced menus with food full of both energy and fibre

8. Reading the text once again to decide on the type of writing and summary of the text

Type of writing This is a piece of narrative writing.

Main idea of the passage

Being driven by curiosity, Wang Pengwei, an restaurant owner, spied on Yong Hui’s restaurant and put on a competition with Yong Hui.

Central idea of 1st part (before the word of “Curiosity”) Wang Pengwei, frustrated, went into a newly-opened small restaurant at the end of the street and found a sign in the window advertising “slimming foods”.

Central idea of 2nd part (after the word of “Curiosity”) Amazed, Wang Pengwei went to do some research and wrote his own sign starting a competition with Yong Hui.

9. Listing a chain of events happening in COME AND EAT HERE(1)(2)

Read the text one more time to list a chain of events.

sit in an empty restaurant→ feel frustrated → get up early→ prepare one’s menu of mutton→ think of…→hurry by →eat with sb. →follow … into…→come inside to…→serve slimming food → make…thin → drive…inside →come forward →take…off →be amazed at…→cost more than…→believe one’s eyes →throw away…→hurry outside →think about…→ make…fat →find out →get away with →tell…lies →do some research →become tired →feel fit →feel happy →earn one’s living →look forward to ~ing →be in debt →walk in →look happy →glare at…→move round…→spy on…→advertise the benefits…→try a meal →enjoy the dumplings →serve sb. …→look ill →feel sick with…→heavy food →enjoy a second plate of dumplings →get tired →rest a lot →feel healthy →chat about…→offer a balanced diet →offer enough fibre →provide a balanced menu →serve fruit with ice cream →cut down the fat →increase the fibre in the meal →turn into…→get married →live happily

10. Closing down by having a dictation

To end the period you will take a dictation. It is about how to order in a restaurant.


How to order in a restaurant?

*If you don't know what's in a dish or don't know the serving size, ask.

*Try to eat the same portion as you would at home. If the serving size is larger, share some with your dining partner, or put the extra food in a container to go.

*Eat slowly.

*Ask for fish or meat broiled with no extra butter.

*Order your baked potato plain, then top it with a teaspoon of margarine or low-calorie sour cream, and/or vegetables from the salad bar.

*If you are on a low-salt meal plan, ask that no salt be added to your food.

Ask for sauces, gravy and salad dressings "on the side." Try dipping your fork tines in the salad dressing, then spear a piece of lettuce. Or add a teaspoon of dressing at a time to your salad. You'll use less this way.

*Order foods that are not breaded or fried because they add fat. If the food comes breaded, peel off the outer coating.

*Read the menu creatively. Order a fruit cup for an appetizer or the breakfast melon for dessert. Instead of a dinner entree, combine a salad with a low-fat appetizer.

*Ask for substitutions. Instead of French fries, request a double order of a vegetable. If you can't get a substitute, just ask that the high-fat food be left off your plate.

*Ask for low-calorie items, such as salad dressings, even if they're not on the menu. Vinegar and a dash of oil or a squeeze of lemon are a better choice than high-fat dressings.

*Limit alcohol, which adds calories but no nutrition to your meal.

总结:高二英语教案:Healthy eating教案就为大家介绍到这儿了,希望小编的整理可以帮助到大家,祝大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。


最新高二英语FIRST AID教案


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