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Answers1. are made      2. were, organized

Exercise 6

■ Have students look at the given sentences and ask them what tenses are used in them.

■ Encourage students to draw rules for the formation of the passive forms. Ask them to refer Grammar Summary 1,3,4 and 5 on pages 92?C93.

Answers1. has been arranged

2. is being collected

3. was being painted

Exercise 7

■ Ask students if they have heard of the Water Festival.

■ Students read the text to find out about the festival. Then read the text again and complete the verbs.

Answers1. is celebrated    2. is splashed    3. are carried

4. are told      5. is related     6. are washed

7. are raced            8. are launched

■ Have students close their books and ask them to say what they can remember about the festival.

Exercise 8

■ Students work in pairs, changing the sentences into the passive. Answers

1. My health is being affected by stress.

2. People are being moved out of the houses.

3. The mini-helicopter has already been invented by him.

4. The forest fire has been put out by them.

5. The car was being repaired when I got there.

6. The house was being decorated when the accident happened


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