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每个教案最大的不同在于内容的不同,教案结构都是相似的,为此威廉希尔app 整理了北师大版高一上册英语教案范文:《Celebration》Parties,希望老师可以认真参考。

Teaching aims:

To practise listening for gist and for specific information

To practise using modals: must, should/shouldn’t, don’t, have to

Teaching difficulties:

To practise using modals: must, should/shouldn’t, don’t, have to

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up

T: I think you have attended all kinds of parties, such as wedding party, birthday party, garden party, dinner party and so on. What party did you hold or attend?  Do you like attending parties?


T: Party can give people a chance to communicate each other, it is a way of social communication, it plays an important part in our life.

T: According to the questions, please describe a party you attend.

What sort of party was it?

How many people were there?

What did they wear?

What time did it start/ finish?

What did people do?

T: You do well in the task. Now let’s review some words about parties.

Show the key words to match their Chinese meanings

Ⅱ Listening

Do the exercise 3

In life some things are worth celebrating such as: passing test, retiring, going to study abroad, getting a job with good salary and so on. Now let’s listen to four people’s speech, judge why each person is celebrating?

Students listen to the cassette twice

Ask students to answer the questions then let students listen to the cassette again and pause in each paragraph.

Do the exercise 4

When we attend a party we should follow social customs. what do you think should we do in parties?


Now read through the advice, trying to complete the sentences and predicting what the answers will be.

We will listen to about advice about how to behave in parties. (play the cassette for students to check their answers.


Do the exercise 5and 6

Suppose you have a foreign friend who receives a invitation to a party.

What to wear;   What presents to take , When to arrive

What to say, What not to do,  When to leave,

Divide students into groups to do the exercise

Do the exercise 7

Ask students to match the expressions with different situation.

IV Homework

北师大版高一上册英语教案范文:《Celebration》Parties的内容就是这些,根据北师大版高一英语Celebration知识要点威廉希尔app 已经为大家整理出来第三课时第四课时的内容以及课件ppt更多好教案请持续关注威廉希尔app 高一英语教案栏目。


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