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高中英语学习一定要注意对基础的培养,英语老师也要注重同学们对基础的掌握,为此威廉希尔app 整理了北师大版必修一CelebrationChristmas教案,请老师参考并提出宝贵意见。


To read a narrative text and understand the story.

To build up an area of vocabulary associated with Christmas.

To develop reading strategies to answer multiple-choice questions.

To practise collocations with have, do and play.

To talk about childhood memories.


Find the Key Words in the pictures.

Which of the things do you think western people have at Christmas?

Key Words

balloons, Christmas carols, Christmas pudding, Christmas tree, snow, snowmen, Christmas stockings, presents


Read the text. Which Key Words are mentioned? Circle them out. Which other Christmas things are mentioned? Make a list.


Father Christmas  calendar  Christmas cards  Christmas lights

carol service  Christmas tree  decorations  balloons  stockings

presents  sweets  turkey  Christmas pudding  paper hats

Queen’s speech  Christmas cake


What’s the main idea of each paragraph?

Para. 1  the beginning of Christmas

Para. 2  decorations outside

Para. 3  activities on Christmas Eve

Para. 4  activities on Christmas morning

Para.5  activities after lunch

Post- Reading

In what order did the children do these things?

Example 1 d

a) open the new year calendar

b) put their stockings at the end of the bed

c) sing Christmas carols

d) write a letter to Father Christmas

e) put up the Christmas tree

f) go to church

g) have Christmas cake

Answers: 2 a 3c 4e 5b 6f 7g

Answer the multiple-choice questions.

1 Who do you think reads the children’s letters?

a) Father Christmas b) their parents c) nobody

2 What do you think people do in a carol service?

a) sing songs b) give presents c) watch a play

3 What happened on Christmas Eve?

a) The writer stayed awake all night.

b) Someone put presents in his stocking.

c) The writer saw Father Christmas.

4 Why did they laugh?

a) The Christmas carols were happy songs.

b) The songs and hats were funny.

c) The jokes and hats were funny.

5 After lunch:

a) the adults watched the Queen’s speech.

b).the children made a snowman.

c) everybody had more to eat.

Answers: 1b 2a 3b 4c 5c


In English, some verbs and nouns often go together. Complete the table with these words:

tea, the piano, your homework, a shower, cards, a (snowball) fight, a party, the washing-up, lunch, the shopping




tea, a shower

a (snowball) fight, a party, lunch

your homework,

the washing-up, the shopping

The piano, cards

Complete the sentences with these verbs in the correct form.

blow up, sing, go to, put up, have(x2), make, put on

On Christmas Eve, my grandparents arrived. We(1)      a snowman in the garden and later we (2)     the decoration. I (3)      lots of balloons. On Christmas morning, I (4)     some warm clothes and (5)      a snowball fight with my cousins and then we(6)     church. After that, we(7)      lunch and

(8)     Christmas carols.


1 made 2 put up 3 blew up 4 put on 5 had 6 went to 7 had 8 sang

Writing and Speaking

Make notes about your childhood memories of an important festival.

People: family? Good friends?

Preparations: decorations? Invitations?

Presents: what? Who for? Make/buy?

Food: meals? Special food/drink?

Activities: music? Dancing? A long walk?

Your feelings: happy? Sad?

好的教案可以让老师在课堂上更简单轻松的传授知识,上面的这篇北师大版必修一CelebrationChristmas教案希望老师可以用得方便,更多好教案请持续关注威廉希尔app 高一英语教案栏目。





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