案例名称 |
Unit5 Nelson Mandela---a modern hero warming up and reading
科目 |
高中英语 |
教学对象 |
高一(12) |
提供者 |
林传周 |
课时 |
1课时 |
一、教材内容分析 |
教材上这一部分主要分为四个部分: 第一部分为warming up。编者在这部分列出了很多描写人物品种的词,有褒义的也有贬义的,目的是想通过问题引导学生思考判断哪些形容词可以用来描述a great person。
第二部分是六张不同的人物图片,并附以他们的简介,主要的活动是让学生讨论if they were / are great man.
第一、二部分联系比较紧密,活动设置也比较好,但我觉得这两部分的活动顺序可以调整一下,即把第二部分放在前面,先呈现图片和简介以引起学生注意力和兴趣,以图片展示的形式激励学生用英语进行语言实践活动,然后归纳出hero的一个模糊标准,为阅读活动做好铺垫。然后再让他们自己说出他们所认为的a great person 所拥有的品质,这样可能更符合学生的思维习惯特点,并且有利于调动他们的积极性和培养他们说语言的能力。
因此,我决定吧第一、二部分结合在一起作为pre-reading 部分来讲,但顺序做一下调整,之后是正式人物曼德拉的登场,进入主题Alias眼中的曼德拉,重点把Nelson Mandela 挑出来,附加更多关于他的信息,稍加重点地呈现,因为他的信息与接下来的reading passage 联系非常紧密,我想通过重点呈现关于他的信息来提高给学生更多background information, 帮助他们更好地理解reading text.
第三部分是一个关于Elias’ Story 的reading text,属于人物传记式的阅读,但是文章的写作角度比较特别,由穷苦的黑人工人Alias叙述他眼中的曼德拉,这样的写法比较客观可信。Alias的故事与遭遇同时也成为本文与本课的一条贯穿总线,也是这堂课的中心阅读任务。学生要做的主要活动就是阅读并理解文章的内容和大意,同时注意一些重点细节信息的把握。
第四部分的活动是由四个小的联系组成,分别为:①True / False exercise 一共六个判断题 ② Questions and answers exercise ③ Making a timeline of Elias’ life ④ Listen to the tape and read the quotes from Nelson Mandela. 编者是想通过这些活动来检测学生是否已理解文章的意思,并锻炼他们在阅读时使用scanning 的技巧。
二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度、价值观) |
Knowledge aims(知识): 1.Get the students to know the qualities of a great person. 2.Get the students to learn about Nelson Mandela. Ability aim(技能)s: 1.Develop the students’ reading ability and let them learn different reading shills. 2.Enable the students to learn how to give their opinions. Emotional aim s(情感态度价值观): 1.Get the students to learn noble qualities from great persons. 2.Get the students to learn from Nelson Mandela to develop their moral qualities. |
三、学习者特征分析 |
From classroom observation, the students in Class12, Grade1 in No.7 Middle School (senior high) are described as follows: ● the basis of the class: The class is a large class with 53 lovely and energetic students . ● the attitudes: Students seem to actively respond to the teacher in chorus but they would not like to demonstrate their answers individually in public except some active top students. ● the ability: Most students can respond to display questions in mechanical practice after reading and can acquire new words with the help of teacher and their classmates but difficult to answer the questions in their own words. Some students have their own thinking but don’t know how to express their ideas correctly. Some want to learn more but they don't know how. ● the strategies: Students would like to talk when the teacher give clear instructions and necessary guidance for adaptive tasks that are in proper difficulty level. But they have not formed the habit of taking notes also some of them can not concentrate their mind when they are out of the teacher’s sight.
四、教学策略选择与设计 |
1.Task-based teaching and learning 2.Cooperative learning 3.Discussion
五、教学环境及资源准备 |
1.The supporting background information should be given to students before reading to get them ready and not feel difficult. 2.The teaching procedures and reading task should be designed adaptive to students’ current ability and their cognitive style. 3.Teacher should give students necessary guidance on reading strategies 4.Teacher should be amiable and patient to make students less nervous. 5.Teacher should be tolerant of students when they cannot answer questions correctly to encourage them and improve their confidence. 6.The multi-media and other teaching tools
六、教学过程 |
教学过程 |
教师活动 |
学生活动 |
设计意图及资源准备 |
Step1. Warming up
1.Play a Guessing Game : Who are they? 2.Present the question:Are famous people also great people? 3.Get the students to cooperate with their parteners: Discuss the following questions with their parteners and then share their opinions with the class. 1.Who do you think is a great people? 2.What qualities make a great people? Make sure the students are able to tell the differences between famous people and great people and help them to sum up the qualities a great people should have. Encourage them to give their opinions and ask for opinions.
Play the game, and stormbrain by cooperation |
1.通过展示大家所熟知的名人,来引入要讨论的话题“Are famous people also great people?” 2.通过对话题的合作讨论,明确“a great person”的标准,以及对即将出场的Nelson Mandela为黑人争取民权人权而牺牲个人利益的伟大人格做一个理解层面的铺垫。 |
Step2. Pre-reading
Introduce the background of the modern hero , Nelson Mandela by using slides.
Learn about the blackground of Nelson Moandela. |
通过对Nelson Mandela的背景补充介绍,帮助学生更深层次理解主人翁。 |
Step3. Reading
1.Encourage the students to look at the title and predict what the reading is about.Then ask them to skim through it as quickly as they can and divide it into two parts according to the time of order(Biography). Part I.(Paragraph 1-2 .)The life of Elias’ life before he met Nelson Mandela. Part II.(Paragraph 3-5 .)The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.
2.Ask the students to glance over the exercises that follow the reading passage before reading and then tell true or false. 1). Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble. 2). Elias left school because the school was too far from his home. 3). Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job. 4). Elias trusted Nelson Mandela and he joined the ANC Youth League. 5). Elias was willing to blow up government buildings. 6). Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.
3.After careful reading,let the students do further understanding exercises. 1). Why did Elias visit Nelson Mandela? 2). What did Mandela do to help black people? 3). What was Elias’attitude towards the unfair situation black people faced? How do you know? 4). Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal? 4.Help the students to find out the great qualities of Mandela according to the passage.
1.Preparing for reading 2.Find out the main idea of each paragraph while reading. 3.Read for details. |
1.通过完成所设计的阅读任务,训练学生能快速捕捉信息的能力。 2. 通过完成所设计的阅读任务,训练学生能分析总结主旨大意的能力。
Step4. Discussion:
1.Do you think it is fair to treat others badly for things they cannot change,like the colours of skin or eyes or the race on
2.Listen to a song sung by Beyong Band in honor of Nelson Mandela if possible.
Hold a heated discussion to make sure a common idea:every borns equal. |
Step5. Homework |
1. Practice reading the whole text. 2.Finish off the exercise & Learning about language.
Do the homework by themselves. |
巩固所学 |
七、教学评价设计 |
本节课体现素质教育要求,把评价的侧重点放在学生的学习活动上,围绕学生主动学习来评价;充分利用现代教育技术,使评价具有客观性和可操作性,便于掌握和应用。 评价分为两部分: 1. 定量评价:评价总分=课堂学习成果评价表得分(30)+小组协作互助表得分(20)+小组成果汇报表得分(30)+学习感受得分(20) 2.定性评价:一系列的定性评价和为促进学生发展的改进意见等等。 1.课堂学习成果评价量表(30) 班别______ 姓名:________ 得分:___________
注:1.得分为自评、互评、教师评总分之均值; 2.“我这样评价我自己”、“伙伴眼里的我”以及“老师的话”都是针对课堂学习情况的概括性评判和描述。
2.课堂小组协作学习评价系列表 表二:小组协作互评表(20分)
注:1.本表针对该生所在小组作评价,对该生的评价还需要在小组内进行分配。对于每个小组都有N张这种评价表,取所有评价表的均值作为对该小组的评价得分。 2.本表分为定量和定性评价两部分; 3.本定量评价表满分为100分,在加入总分时需进行折合; 4.定性评价部分,听完汇报后我的问题是评价者在听取他组汇报时所想到的问题,评价意见是对被评小组的优点及需要改进之处作评价,以作该小组改进之用。
3.学习感受(20) 上完本次课,你有什么感受?收获了哪些?你觉得自己还可以做那些改进?比如在小组合作方面,比如在课堂参与方面,比如在练习方面……? [教师根据学生反思深度给分]
八、帮助和总结 |
本课旨在通过对曼德拉的事迹学习,训练阅读能力,强调人人生而平等的观念。在单元话题中培养学生运用英语思维,运用听说读写能力,做到 “在学中用,在用中学”. |
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