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The Fourth Period


1. Learn the Attributive Clause.

2. Learn the difference between Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.


1. Learn to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.

2. Train the students’ ability to report what others have said.


Train the students’ ability to cooperate with each other.

Teaching importantpoints:

1. Learn the Attributive Clause.

2. Train the students’ ability to report what others have said.

Teaching difficulties:

Learn to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 revision

Check the homework exercises.

Step 2 Grammar

( The teacher writes the sentence “ Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.” On the blackboard before class begins.)

T: Please look at the sentence on the blackboard, paying special attention to the underlined part. What kind of clause is it?

Ss: The Attributive Clause.

T: Yes. The Attributive Clause tells us which person or thing (or what kind of person or thing ) the speaker means.

e.g. The woman who lives next door is a teacher.

A sentence with an attributive clause contains two shorter sentences. In the sentence above, the two short sentences are: “ The woman is a teacher.” And “ The woman lives next door.” The Attributive Clause is the answer to the question: Which woman is a teacher?

Would you try to divide the sample sentence on the blackboard into two short sentences?

T: That’s right. Now try to find all the sentences with Attributive Clauses in the reading passage and divide each sentence into two short sentences.

T: Next I will say something about the common relative pronouns.

“Who” is used for people. “Which” is used for things. “That” is used for things or people. “Whose” is used instead of his/her/their/somebody’s. “Whom” is quite formal, and in most cases it is all right to use who instead. But when whom has a preposition before it, it cannot be replaced by who.

Step 3 Practice

1. Now look at Part 2 in Discovering Useful Structures on Page 28. try to complete each sentence using that, which, who, or whose.

Let the students do this exercise and check the answers.

2.Do more exercises in Ex 3 on Page51 in《导学》

Step 4 Homework

After class, read the passage on Page 64. It’s about advice on how to protect your home from an earthquake. Complete the sentences below, using who, whom, which, that or whose.

Record after teaching;






The Fifth Period



1. Know how to write a speech.

2. Know how to write a newspaper story.


1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Train the students’ ability to search for doing something.

3. Train the students’ ability to do things step by step.


1. Honor the great people of Tangshan.

2. Learn to cooperate to each other.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Train the students’ ability to search for doing something.

Teaching Difficulties:

1. Know how to write a speech.

2. Know how to write a newspaper story.

3. Learn to cooperate to each other.

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Revision

T: In the last period, we learned the Attributive Clause and how to choose a proper relative pronoun. Now let’s check your homework exercises. Please open your textbooks and turn to Page 64. Look at Part 1 in Using Structures. I will ask some of you to read the sentences out.

(The teacher corrects mistakes if there are any.)

Step2 Reading and Writing

T: Read the letter on Page 29.In the blank at the beginning of the letter, write the last number of the year it is now. Then in the blank near the end of the letter, use a number to say how many years ago the quake happened.

(After several minutes, the teacher checks the answers with the class.)

T: Suppose you are the student who was invited to give the speech. What should you include in your speech?

(Students give their different answers.)

T: Yes, while writing, don’t forget to contain the information. Now I will give you 15 minutes to write the speech. You can follow the points in part 3 on this page.

(While the students are writing, the teacher gets around the classroom and helps the students to deal with any difficulties that they have.)

(After 15 minutes)

T: Are there any volunteers to read his or her speech?

( If there is nobody, the teacher asks one to read, and give some assessments.)

Step 3 Speaking

T: Imagine that after your speech, Zhangsha asks you to give a short talk about the new stamps about Tangshan to honor the city. First, ask and answer the following questions in pairs.

(1) What do these stamps show?

(2) Do you think these stamps are very important and why?

(3) Will you collect these stamps? Why and why not?

(After the students ask and answer these questions in pairs.)

T: Now try to fill in the lines in the little talk. You can use some of the answers to the questions.

T: Next I will ask one of you to read the little talk.

Step 4 Writing

T: By now you have learned writing a speech and a little talk. Now you are going to write an article for a newspaper about a special event that happed in your hometown. First, let’s learn some skills of writing newspaper stories. Before you write, you should write an outline. This is very useful. Today, we will learn how to write an outline. Please turn to Page 31. Read the instructions in bold and pay attention to some questions I prepared to you.

Q1: Why is an outline important?

Q2: What should an outline include?

Q3: Why is a headline important?

Q4: What are the steps to finish a newspaper story?

Q5: What is the feature of a newspaper story?

Suggested answers:

1. Because an outline will prepare you to write a better story.

2. A good outline should have a headline, a list of main ideas and a list of important details.

3. A headline can tell the readers what the topic is, so it can attract the readers’ attention since the reader may not have bought the newspaper before they read the headline.

4. First, organize the main ideas. Next, put some details into each paragraph.

5. A newspaper story gives the most important news first and the least important news last.

T: Now let’sread the example of a newspaper story. Try to find the headline, main idea and details of each paragraph. You may work in groups of three.

(After several minutes, the teacher asks the students the following questions :)

Q1: What is the headline of the newspaper story?

Q2: What is the main idea?

Q3: What is the detailed information?  

T: Now turn to Page 32 and check your main ideals and detailed information.

Step 5 Homework

T: So now you know how to write a passage step by step. Prepare the outline for a short newspaper story for China Daily. Use the example to help you to organize your outline. You can first have a discussion with your partner and decide which event you will write about. Try to write down the title, main ideas and detailed information. Then put them into a short passage.

Record after teaching:







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