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2. How to use everyday English correctly.

Teaching methods:

Teacher-class, individuals, pair-work, team-work

Teaching aids: A computer, a tape recorder and CAI software.

Teaching Procedures:

StepⅠGreetings and Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Pre-listening. Show a picture of Mary Lennon and get the Ss to guess the answers to the questions.

Q1: When did she first go to America?

Q2:How old was she?

Q3: How did she get there?

Q4: What did she do in New York?


1. Listen to the tape and say True of False to the statements.

( F ) 1) In 1935, Mary Lennon first went to America.

( F ) 2) She went to New York by plane at the age of 18.

( T ) 3) She met a lot of people and went to some parties in New York.

( F ) 4) She got from New York to California by plane?

( T) 5) She stopped in Chicago for a few days on the way.

( F ) 6) The weather in Los Angeles was very cold.

2. Match the questions with the answers in Activity 2 on P27.

3 Retell the story of Marry Lennon according to the questions after answering them .

Step Ⅲ Pronunciation

1. Listen to the conversation on P38 and underline the stressed words.

2. First check the answers in pairs, then check them from the class.

3. Read the dialogue in pairs, paying special attention to the stressed words. Then ask a pair to read it.

Step Ⅳ Everyday English

1. Present some sentences said by the interviewer and Mary in the listening on the screen and answer the questions.

2. Read these expressions in Activity 1 and complete each sentence with one of the expressions in Activity 1.

3. Make a similar dialogue in pairs by using the expressions in Activity 1. Then ask some pairs to act out the dialogue.


Review the extensive reading on P26, and “Cultural Corner” on P29.



高一英语unit3教案设计:Tracel journal



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