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北师大版高一英语unit2教案设计:Lesson 3 Sports Stars



提前做好教学规划,可以帮助教师理清新课时的教学思路,进而提高课堂效率。以下是威廉希尔app 为老师提供的高一英语unit2教案设计,希望在老师的教学中能够有所帮助。

Lesson 3 Sports Stars

Teaching aims:

To read a text for specific information

To provide a title appropriate for a whole text

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

To practise using positive and negative opinion adjectives

Teaching difficulties:

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ Warming up

First play the song “Pass the Flame”

T: Many people are familiar with the

看完威廉希尔app 高中频道推荐的高一英语unit2教案设计,相信老师对教学设计、规划也有了更清楚的掌握,更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app 。


北师大版高一英语unit2教案设计:Lesson 2 Relaxing  

北师大版高一英语unit1教案设计:Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?


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