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北师大版高一英语unit2教案设计:Lesson 2 History Makers



【百度图片】Mother Teresa





Pre-listening I (IW +CW 4’)

【任务一】Listening practice 1


【学生活动】Finish Ex. 1 to learn more about the four pictures and match the description with photos.

1. Fought for the rights of black people in the USA D. Martin Luther King

2. Led the 1911 revolution and founded the first Republic of China A. Sun Yat-sen

3. Invented the light bulb, the moving picture camera and many other things C. Thomas Edison

4. worked to help poor people in India B. Mother Teresa


【任务二】Get to know listening strategies:


【学生活动】Try to familiarize with listening strategies and go through the listening strategies

Listening strategies: Getting prepared for listening

Before listening, make sure you understand the task

If possible, try to guess the answer

When you listen the first time, don’t panic! You will not understand everything—just try to get the general idea


【任务三】Get prepared for listening


【学生活动】 Go through the task for Ex2 and read the Function File. Then get prepared for listening:

Questions: Who are talking in the listening ? Some students

What are they talking about? The are expressing their opinions on who is important among the

four famous people.

What is the task for this listening practice? Fill in the blanks and complete the Function File by using

agree, think, you’re right, don’t agree, in my opinion, personally


While-listening I (IW +CW 4’)

【教师活动】指导学生练习听前准备的技能,完成听力练习P24第2题:Fill in the blanks and complete the Function File by using agree, think, you’re right, don’t agree, in my opinion, personally

【学生活动】 Listen to students talking about the people in the photos. Complete the Function File with these words .Try to learn to express their opinions by using the words: agree, think, you’re right, don’t agree, in my opinion, personally


Post-Listening I (GW+ CW 3’)


【学生活动】通过小组讨论的方式,学生使用表达观点的功能用语来表达自己对这几位名人的观点和看法。Express their opinions by using the words: agree, think, you’re right, don’t agree, in my opinion, personally。通过互连网的百度等搜索引擎,学生进一步寻找这四位名人的突出事迹介绍的相关视频或音频资料,对他们有进一步的深刻了解和认识,同时作为表达自己观点的事实依据。




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