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Step 4. After-reading

1. Ss discuss:

What changes have computers and the internet brought to schools?

What changes will they bring to schools in the future?

2. Debating


Surfing the internet more is good for young students.

Surfing the internet more is bad for young students.


1. Recite the key sentences in the text.

2. Prepare for learning about language.

Period 4.  (Language learning and grammar)

Step 1. Revision

Ss try to retell the text, using their own words.

Step 2. Language points

1. in common

have nothing in common

have little in common

have something in common

have a lot in common

2. simple-minded







3. make a decision

4. in a way

5. after all

6. watch over

7. wander

Step 3 Discovering useful words and expressions

1. Ss read the text and finish exercise 1 on page 19.

2. Ss read the passage on page 20, part 2 and try to complete it with appropriate words.

3. Ss look at the sentences in exercises 3 on page 20, and tick the right word.

Step 4. Grammar: The present perfect passive voice

Show the Ss the following sentences, and then change them into passive voice.

1. We have made a plan.

2. He has fixed the computer.

Step 5. Practice (discovering useful structures)

Ss finish part 2 on page 20.


1. Review what they have learnt about the present perfect passive voice.

2. Finish Wb exercises 1 and 2 on page 56 and 57.

3. Finish using structures, exercise 1 on page 57.

Period 5.  Extensive Reading

Step 1. Revision

Check Ss’ homework.

Step 2. Reading (P22)

1. Ss read the passage and discuss how to design their own android.

2. Ss answer the following questions:

1). What would you like it to look like?

2). What are some of the things you would like it to do?

3). Do you want it to be like a man or a woman, or neither?

4). How much would it cost?

3. Ss read and finish True of False questions.

4. Check the answers.

Step 3. Reading (page 58)

1. Ss read the passage on page 58 quickly.

2. Ss fill in the form of Ex.1 and keep a record of his performances.

Step 4. Speaking

1. Imagine you have been lucky enough to be allowed to interview Hua Fei in hospital for your school newspaper. Work out some questions.

2. Ss play roles in pairs. One of you will interview Hua Fei. The other will imagine he/she is Hua Fei. Then change roles. Finally, take notes of your partner’s answers to the questions.


Prepare your writing for the newspaper.

Period 6. Writing

Step 1. Speaking and writing (page 22)

1. T: Suppose you and your partner have been asked to help choose computers for your school. You have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer has. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why. There is a list of things your computer could have on page 22.

A fast PC              the monitor is smaller

Improved disc storage    used recycled materials

Internet                a flat screen

2. Ss talk about the special things each computer can do and write a report.

3. Ss read their report in class.

Step 2. Writing (page 23)

1. T: suppose you are an android and work for a family with one child who is very spoiled. The parents want you to do everything for them. The parents are kind, but they often ask you tko watch over their child. How do you feel? What would you do if the child asked you to do his/her homework for him/her? Would you tell the child “no”?

2. Ss write their passage with the beginning on page 23.

Step 3. Writing task (page 60)

Ss try to finish the writing task on page 60 if time permits.


Finish the project on page 60.

Period seven

Teachers can use this period freely.

Suggestion:  Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish checking yourself. It is very important to improve their learning.




高一英语Wildlife protection教案检查总结范文


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