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(1)就本人而言,我赞同这个计划。 _______________________________________

(2)我不喜欢他的为人,但我钦佩他的艺术。________________, but I admire his art.

2. create v. 创造;产生

◇A novelist creates characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物和故事情节。

◇His appearance created a bad impression. 他的外表给人留下了不好的印象。




3. arise  vi. 出现(appear),发生(happen),起身,起因于


(1)Problems will arise as we do the work.

(2)How did this quarrel arise?

(3)When I fall, I will arise.

(4)Accidents often arise from carelessness.

搭配:arise from/out of 由……而引起,由……而产生

辨析rise, raise 和arise:

⑴ rise和arise都是不及物动词;rise意为:站起,起床;升起;arise意为:出现,发生;起身;起床。

⑵ raise 是及物动词。意为:举起;养育;种植;筹款


⑴A new situation will ______when the examination system comes into existence.

⑵He _________ his hands to tell the teacher what he wanted to say.

⑶He ____________ early this morning.

4. wander vi. 游荡,闲逛;离开正道,离题;开小差;(河流等)蜿蜒


(1)He wandered in the streets.

(2)He wandered from the subject.

(3)My attention wandered.

(4)The stream wanders through the forest.


(1)这堂课太糟了,我都开始走神了。The class is so boring that____________________.

(2)我喜欢晚饭后在公园里闲逛。I like to ______________________after dinner.

5. simple-minded adj. 愚蠢的,头脑简单的

◇She is simple-minded.她心地单纯。


(1)open-minded   _________________(2)absent-minded  _________________

(3)broad-minded  _________________(4)fashion-minded _________________


1. go by = pass(时间)流逝,经过(地方),遵守

理解:指出go by在下列句中的意思。

(1)I go by the house every day.

(2)That's a good rule to go by.

(3)You can't always go by appearances.

(4)She becomes more and more talkative as time goes by.


(1)go _______进行,(做,说)吧     (2)go _____追求,追赶

(3)go _____上升   (4)go _______下降   (5)go ____继续

(6)go _____离开;爆炸 (7)go _____熄灭     (8)go _________经历

(9)go ___________没有……而勉强凑合

2.deal with处理,涉及,对付

理解:指出deal with在下列各句中的意思。

(1)He has to deal with the problem carefully.

(2)You should deal with your work more carefully.

(3)This report deals with the present situation in the Mid-East.

辨析:deal with与do with

do with表示“处置,与……相处,忍受”等,do是及物动词,就某事做些什么,应用what,what是do的宾语;而deal with中的deal是不及物动词,表示应付或安排什么,应用how,how是deal with的状语。

3. make up编造,组成,化妆,和解    make out 辩认出,理解,填写,开出


(1)Farm workers make up only a small section of the population.

(2)The student made up an excuse for his being late.

(3)The girl made up her face carefully before going to meet James.

(4)They had an argument, but they have already made up.

(5)To this day I still can't make out why they did so.

(6)His handwriting is so bad that I can hardly make it out.

(7)The teacher made out the report cards and gave them to the students to take home.


(1)make up for ____________    (2)make up one’s mind_______________________

(3)be made up of _______________________

■运用:用含make up的短语填空。

(1) The medical team    ____________twelve doctors.

(2) In Britain today women    _________ 44% of the work force, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work..

(3) Hard work can often   ____________ lack of intelligence.

(4) I have    ________________, and nothing you say will change it.

4. watch over看守,监视,保护,留神……(= take care of)

◇Could you watch over my clothes while I have a swim?我去游泳时你帮我照看一下衣服吧。

联想 watch for 盼望        watch out (for) = look out (for) 警惕、密切注意

练习 根据汉语意思完成句子。

⑴You’ll have to_____________ the right moment.

⑵The passengers were asked to_________________ pocketpicks.

(3)They took turns to ______________the children.

5. have much in common(with…)(与……)有许多共同之处

◇They have much in common with each other, so they become friends.他们之间有许多共同之处,所以他们成了朋友。

联想:have nothing in common (with) (与……)毫无共同之处

have little in common (with) (与……)几乎没有共同之处

Step 5:Homework

Finish the exercises of the exercise book.


1. 联想:填入适当的介词或副词。

(1)go _______进行,(做,说)吧     (2)go _____追求,追赶

(3)go _____上升   (4)go _______下降   (5)go ____继续

(6)go _____离开;爆炸 (7)go _____熄灭     (8)go _________经历

(9)go ___________没有……而勉强凑合

2. 辨析

make up    make up an excuse    make up one’s face

make out    make sth out.



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