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2016学年人教版英语高一下学期Wildlife protection教案怎么写



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 人教版英语高一下学期Wildlife protection教案怎么写

Background Information Students:Senior high school students,Grade 1 Lesson duration:45 mins Teaching Objectives By the end of the lesson,students should be able to: 1. Know the present situation of wildlife and talk about progress in saving endangered wildlife in China. 2. Realize the importance of protecting the endangered animals by listening practice. 3. Listen to the material to get the main idea. 4. Say something about endangered wildlife, and the importance of protecting wildlife. 5. Cultivate the awareness of protecting wildlife. 6. Develop the ability of speaking, listening and improve the ability of communicating with others in English.   Teaching contents Book2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection, Warming Up, Listening & Talking in WB Teaching aids Blackboard, chalk, multimedia computer, pictures. Teaching Process   PartⅠ Leading-in Time (6')     Step 1 Bring 5 endangered animals’ pictures to the class. Then teacher will describe the animal one by one and let the Ss to guess what the animal it is. Such as“The first one is ,it lives in China. It’s black and white. It eats bamboo and moves by walking. …”   4 Step 2 Ask the questions,“where do they live?”→“where can you see them?”→“why do they live in the zoo not in the forest?”→“Now this animals are in trouble. Who can tell me what the problem is?” So that get the answers,“forest、ocean…”→“in the zoo”→“they are in danger”     2 Part Ⅱ Pre-listening Time (6') Step 1 Before listening ask the Ss to do Exercise1 by discussing these questions in pairs: l Are you familiar with problem pages in magazines? l What kind of questions do you think the readers will ask the teenager magazine “Animals”?     2 Step 2 Ask them to join another group to compare their ideas. 2 Step 3 Then ask a few groups to tell their ideas. 2 Part Ⅲ While-listening Time (12') Step 1 Listen to the tape without stopping. Ask the Ss to grasp the key words and get the main idea. Help the Ss to get used to the speed of the tape and become familiar with the content.   3 Step 2 Let the Ss listen to each problem in turn. Ask the Ss to help Aunty Gladys answer them. Write down the name and problem. And check the answers with the whole class.     Letter Name Problem 1     2 Bengi   3             6 Step 3 Then play the tape a third time for them to check the answers again. Ask Ss to try their best to understand the listening material and pay more attention to their mistakes.   3 Part Ⅳ Post-listening Time (13') Step 1 Ask Ss in their groups of four to discuss what advice they would give to each of the worried letter writers. And divide the Ss into 3 groups,each group could help one letter writer.   5 Step 2 Ask some Ss in group1 to help Li Kun. 2 Step 3 Ask some Ss in group2 to help Bengi. 2 Step 4 Ask some Ss in group3 to help Zhao Jing. 2 Step 4 Ask more Ss to show their ideas to help any of the three letter writers. 2 Part Ⅴ Warming up Time (5') Ask the Ss to look at the chart and the information it shows. Let the Ss draw some conclusions from the chart by asking some questions. Make sure they give reasons for their answers. l Which animal has been most successfully protected? l Which animal needs the most protection now? l Which animal is the luckiest of the three? l Why are the reserve areas being used to protect the bamboo rather than the pandas?     5 Part Ⅵ Summary Time (2') Give a short summary to end the lesson. 2 Part Ⅶ Homework Time (1') Ask the Ss to look on the Internet for the WWF for a comprehensive list of endangered animals and what is being done to protect them. 1 Reflection (to be written immediately after the lesson)        

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