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高一英语Wildlife protection教案封面2016



D.Don't accept any of them.


Acceptance of the activities in this unit.

A.All are accepted.

B.Willing to take part in three kinds or so.

C.Not willing to take part in 1 or 2.

D.Not willing to take part in any.


Number of web sites referred to in order to get related information on this topic.

A.More than 5. B.About 3.

C.1 or 2. D.None.


Number of webs or other resources related to the topic.

A.More than 5. B.3 to 4.

C.1 to 2. D.Zero.

Efficient Preparation

before Class


Number of words looked up in the unit.

A.All. B.80%.

C.50 %. D.20% or less.


Percentage of passages read before class.

A.All. B.80%.

C.50 %. D.20% or less.


Percentage of difficult sentences underlined before class.

A.All. B.80%.

C.50 %. D.20% or less.


Number of questions raised about the understanding of passages or the usage of words.

A.More than 10. B.6-8.

C.3-5. D.Less than 2.

Attention & Cooperation in Class


Frequency of being absent-minded

A.Never. B.Seldom.

C.Often. D.All the time.


Frequency of raising hands to answer questions

A.Always. B.Often.

C.Seldom. D.Never.


Amount of notes taken down.

A.All. B.About 80%.

C.About 50%. D.Less than 20%.


Cooperation with partners in activities.

A.Always. B.Often.

C.Seldom. D.Never.

Full Understanding and

Enjoyment after Class


Amount of knowledge and skills covered and digested.

A.All. B.About 80%.

C.About 50%. D.Less than 20%.


Frequency of practicing the learned materials in this unit


B.Every other day.

C.Every 3-4 days.

D.Every 5 days or more.


After learning this unit,you find your ability in listening,speaking,reading and writing have been ______ improved.

A.fully B.partially

C.slightly D.not

Summary of the Whole Unit

Useful words

Useful phrases

Useful patterns & structures


Aspects to

Be Improved

Step 4 The Design of the writing on the Blackboard

Unit 4 Wildlife protection

Period 6

A quiz about wildlife protection

Tick the statements according to what you do or think.

Step 5 Record after Teaching

Activity and Research:

Book of Wild Life Protection

This activity is intended for the group cooperation.Students have to assign themselves the work.Suppose your class is going to publish a book about wild life protection.Each group will introduce one kind of endangered species.As the same time,students can enlarge their knowledge of endangered animals by surfing the Internet or reading the related books.In addition,students are encouraged to think creatively to find out the solutions of the problems facing the endangered species.

1.Assign each group to find out the information of one kind endangered species.

2.Make a list of the information they have to find out about the endangered species.They have to find out the features,habitats,problems and solutions of these endangered species.Students can search the Internet or read some books to get the information.

3.In class,the students introduce the information to the whole class,and their classmates are expected to guess what animals they are and what problems they have.

4.The group presents their materials and what they have got to the class,such as the pictures,their habitats and problem,as well as their situations.

5.The rest of the class are free to ask any questions they want to know about this endangered species.

6.Students are expected to work hard together to find out the solutions to these problems.They are encouraged to think creatively as many solutions as possible.

7.Teacher asks them to sort out their information and form a book about wildlife protection so that students can read if they like.

最后,希望精品小编整理的高一英语Wildlife protection教案封面对您有所帮助,祝同学们学习进步。



高一年级下册英语教案:Tales of the unexplained


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