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高中一年级英语必修一教案:Nelson Mandela - a modern hero



Discussion activity

What do you think is the difference between great person and famous person?

Use the following expressions to ask for others’ opinions:

•      What do you think of …?

•      What’s your opinion?

•      What are your ideas?

•      Do you have any thoughts on that?

•      How do you feel about that?

•      Why do you think so?

Explain the difference between great person and famous person.

Great person:He/she must devote himself/herself to helping others and do things for the social good even though he/she has to give up his/her money, families and his/her life. That is to say, he must devote his life to helping others and they would sacrifice something for others.

Famous person: someone who is well-known work hard and a huge success.

III  Pre-reading

1.Do you think great people are famous? Are famous people great?

2.Look at the six pictures in the book; finish the diagram on the blackboard.

Explain each person in detail

IV  Language points

1.die for为…而死

E.g. He died for his beliefs

2.  Fight for/ against为…..而斗争、作战

3.  free from/ of不受….伤害,影响,免于

4.  in prison

In the prison

6.the first ..to..第一个干某事的…

E.g. he is the first one to come to school.

★Step 5 optional practice

Further introduce Nelson Mandela.

★Step 6 conclusion (2mins)

In this class we have learned many things about great person, next class we’ll talk more about Nelson Mandela

★Step 7homework(1mins)

1.Review what have learned, esp. the new words.

2.Do homework in《成才之路》P34 Close and Reading A B

七、Blackboard design

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern hero

Great people:

Famous people:

八、Teaching reflection

(To be written immediately after the lesson)




高一必修1英语外研版教案:Module 5


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