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高一年级英语教案范例:Nelson Mandela-a modern hero




Teaching Plan

Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim:Students will understand the information contained in the time-line in the textbook and find out what happened to him in 1999;

Ability aim: Students can discuss with partners according to that time-line;

Students’ ability of writing a summary about a person can be trained;

Students’ ability of writing about their own idea about a great person can be improved;

Emotional aims: Students can gain a better understanding about great persons;

Students could enjoy discussion.

Teaching Key:

Helping students understand the information contained in the time-line in the textbook and find out what happened to him in 1999.

Difficult Points:

Improving students’ ability of writing about their own idea about a great person.

Teaching Methods:

Group discussion, Process writing.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Pre-writing


Let students have a free talk about what they find about Mandela after the last lesson.


Ask students read the time-line about Mandela in the textbook and deal with those words in black. Then find out what happened to him in 1999;


Review those expressions in the textbook with students. Ask students to discuss the questions below in groups.

What kind of person do you think Nelson Mandela is?

What qualities does he have? Why do you think so?

What qualities make him a great man?

Those useful expressions in the textbook should be used in their discussion.

Spokesman from each group report their discussion with all others and teacher would give them some help in forming a clear idea.

Step 2 While-Writing:

Then teacher would dispose two pieces of writing task for students: write a summary of Nelson Mandela’s life using the time-line on page 39 in textbook; write a short paragraph about your ideas on Nelson Mandela with the result of discussion and the information collected before this lesson. 10 minutes is the time-limit.

Step 3 Post-writing

Ask students to evaluate and edit writing in pairs. Those two pieces of standard in textbook must be taken into account.

Choose one or two report randomly and show them on the screen. Analyze and evaluate those writings with students.

Step 4 Summary and homework

Some students would be invited to sum up the what we have learned today and their own understanding of great person.

Assign two homework: revising their writing according to the teacher’s instructions and partner’s suggestion; finish the Summing up chart in the textbook.

Teaching Reflection:






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