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高一英语必修一教案《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》



The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.

Topic sentence of 5thparagraph

We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed ... only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

II. A tree diagram

(with key words of each paragraph placed in each box)

III. A retold passage of the text

Elias is a black worker in South Africa. His family was so poor that he had to drop out of school at the age of eight. Later on, he was able to work as a gold miner in Johannesburg. But as he hadn't got a passbook which was required if one wanted to live in Johannesburg. He was worried about being dismissed. However, he was lucky enough to get some help from Nelson Mandela and managed to get the correct papers. After that, he began to know more Mandela and his political ideas. He agreed with Mandela's views on the unfair laws against the black people and his idea about peaceful fighting. He also knew that all Mandela wanted to do was to fight for equal rights for the black people. So he supported him heart and soul.

Section 2: Background information on Nelson Mandela and others

I. Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, (born 18 July 1918), before becoming President of South Africa, was one of its chief anti-apartheid activists, and was also an anti-apartheid saboteur. He is now almost universally considered to be a heroic freedom fighter. He spent his childhood in the Thembu chiefdom before embarking on a career in law.

The name Madiba is an honorary title adopted by older male members of Mandela's clan; however, in South Africa the title is synonymous with Nelson Mandela.

II. Courtroom quotes by Nelson Mandela

"I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."

"Why is it that in this courtroom I am facing a white magistrate, confronted by a white prosecutor, escorted by white orderlies? Can anybody honestly and seriously suggest that in this type of atmosphere the scales of justice are evenly balanced? Why is it that no African in the history of this country has ever had the honor of being tried by his own kind, by his own flesh and blood?...I am a black man in a white man's court. This should not be."(Finlayson 84).

"Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud... We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender, and other discrimination. Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another... The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement."

III. ANC and ANC Youth League

The ANC is a national liberation movement. It was formed in 1912 to unite the African people and spearhead the struggle for fundamental political, social and economic change. For nine decades the ANC has led the struggle against racism and oppression, organising mass students resistance, mobilising the international community and taking up the armed struggle against apartheid. Membership of the ANC is open to all South Africans above the age of 18 years, irrespective of race, colour and creed, who accept its principles, policies and programmes.

The ANC Youth League was founded in 1944. The league propagated "Africanism" and its motto was "Africa's cause must triumph." It was radical and militant. The members of it rejected the idea of "foreign" leadership and argued that black Africans must provide their own leadership and rely upon themselves.

Section 3: Words and expressions

I. Words for warming up


n. something typical of a person or material: Kindness is his best quality. She shows qualities of leadership.


adj. ready (to do sth.): Are you willing to help?


adj. able or ready to take action: Although he is over 70; he is still active. An active member of the club is sure to attend every meeting.

lose heart灰心,丧失信心I used to work in the garden every week. But I lost heart when all the plants died. Don't lose heart; you still have more chances.

lose one's heart爱上,喜欢上 She lost her heart to him as soon as she saw the handsome soldier.

trouble n.麻烦:in trouble 有麻烦,处于困境中;get into trouble 陷入困境;make trouble 制造麻烦;ask for trouble自找麻烦;have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

II. Words for Reading


v. to tell what one thinks should be done:advise sth.; advise doing sth.; advise sb. to do sth.; advise that sb. (should) do sth.; I advise waiting until the teacher comes. The doctor advised a week's rest/ taking a week's rest. I advised (him) that he should take a rest. I advised him not to drive/ against driving. What do you advise me to do?


n. opinion given by one person to another on how that other should behave or act: give some advice to sb.; five sb. some advice; follow sb's advice


vi & vt. go on: continue to do sth/ doing sth; continue (with)sth.; go on doing sth. / with sth. / to do sth. The sports meet continued for 3 days. He continued to study/ studying as if nothing had happened. We must continue our journey until we find water.


n. & v. to be or make anxious:worry sb.,worry about...; bbe worried about...; You don't have to worry about your health if you keep a balanced diet. Our parents must be worrying because we are coming back late. Her sick students worried me. What he said added to her worries.


n. a period a in a course of events; the raised floor on which plays are performed in a theater: stage direction; stage director; put sb. on the stage; at an early stage in our history


v. & n. to express one's choice officially from among the possibilities offered ; an act of making a choice or decision on a matter by means of voting: vote for/ against sb. Most students voted for Jim as they thought him capable and honest. Most people voted against the former leader because of rumor about him. I gave my vote to Li Gao. The new leader was elected through a secret vote.


n. the place where someone or something is or should be; a particular place or rank in a group: What I know about him was that he is in a high position in the company. Can you tell me the position of your city on the map?


v. to take something offered willingly


v. to get: I received some roses from Jack on Valentines' Day but I didn't accept them. Have you accepted the job they offered you? He received many presents on his birthday.


n. use if bodily force to hurt or harm; very great force in action or feeling


adj. Violence in the media has influenced teenagers a lot.

as a matter of fact: in fact; actually: As a matter of fact, he discover the truth quite by accident. As a matter of fact, I felt extremely nervous when I was giving the speech.


v. blow up: blow up the building/ bridge/ dam; blow up the tire; blow off; blow out


n. a place where criminals are kept locked up as a punishment


n. a person kept in a prison for some crime or while waiting to be tired.

put in prison: If you continue doing those kinds of things, you will end up in prison. They were put in prison for blowing up the government building.


adj. the same in size; number; value; rank; etc.; having enough strength; ability; etc.: All men were born equal. Cut the cakes into three equal pieces. Women demand equal pay for equal work. Bill is equal to the job of running the office. n. person who is equal ( to another or to oneself): The teacher is popular because he treats the children as his equals.

III. Words for Using Language


v. to form (a picture or idea) in mind: imagine sth.; imagine doing sth.; imagine sb. doing sth.; imagine that ...; Can you imagine life without electricity? I cannot imagine Lily cooking dinner for twenty people? You cannot imagine what life was like on Robben Island.


n. political power; super power; come to/ into power; in power


n.( terrible adj. terrorist n. terrorism n.) She trembled with terror when the thief pointed a knife at her. She screamed with terror on hearing the explosion. The murder case was a terror to everybody in the small town.


n.& v the feeling that one has when danger is near; to be afraid: fear sth; fear to do sth; fear that...; for fear that...; for fear of


v.& n. find a way out; get out; the act of escaping: a narrow escape; fire escape; escape death punishment/ being punished; escape from prison / reality; escape out of a burning building. The bird has escaped from the cage. The bird has escaped being shot.


n. He passed the exam and finally got his Master's degree. The temperature today is two degrees hotter than yesterday.


n. (sth. given or gained as) return for work or service: The police are offering a reward for information about the robbery. v. to give a reward to: He rewarded the boy for bring back the dog.


n. a punishment for a criminal found guilty in court: The sentence was ten years in prison. a heavy sentence; a life sentence; under the sentence of death; serve one's sentence v. to give a punishment to: He was sentenced to three years in prison. be sentenced to death; be sentenced for thief



高中一年级必修1英语教案:Unit 5



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