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高一年级英语教案:Nelson Mandela a modern hero



4. Further understanding

Give the students another several minutes to discuss the following questions. If they are not sure about the answers, they can read the text again. Encourage them to read the text with the questions in mind and try to find out the answers.

1)What disadvantages did Elias have in finding a job?

2)How did the white people stop the black people from being treated fairly?

3)How did the new government in South Africa treat the white people?

4)Why did Elias support Mandela?

5)Why did he support violence when he did not agree with it?

The teacher can join in students’ discussion or ask them to answer the questions individually and then check with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

1)Poor education; no permit to live in Johannesburg.

2)Through unfair laws.

3)They treated the white people as well as the black people.

4)There are three reasons:Firstly, Mandela once helped him and he considered Mandela kind and generous. Secondly, he agreed with Mandela’s political ideas. For example, he agreed with his explanation of how the black people were not treated fairly. He also sided with him on his view of peaceful fighting. Thirdly, he knew that what Mandela fought for was to make black and white people equal.

5)Because their attempt to attack the law in a peaceful way failed. They had to answer violence with violence.

5. Language problems

While checking the answers with the whole class, ask students to find the new words, phrases and structures that they find most difficult, help them to understand and deal with any language problems.

6. Reading aloud to the recording

Play the tape of the text for the students to listen and follow. Then ask them to read the text aloud.

→Step 4 After-reading

1. Discussing and answering

Give the students several minutes to discuss the following questions and then ask them to answer them.

1)Do you think it is fair to treat others badly for things they cannot change, like the colors of skin or eyes or the race one belongs to? Give a reason.

2)What do you learn about Nelson Mandela from Elias’ Story?

3)Do you like the way Elias tells his story? Give a reason.

Several minutes later, discuss and check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

1)No, because there is nothing one can do to change or improve the situation.

2)I know that Mandela is a great leader who fought for equal rights for the black people all through his life. He organized the ANC Youth League which fought against the government. He is in favor of peaceful fighting. He is kind, helpful, generous, brave, and determined.

3)(Various answers are possible. )I like the way Elias tells the story. Elias is a black worker with only a little education, so he uses some simple and short sentences to describe his experiences and his contact with Mandela, and thus makes the whole story more real-like and close to the readers. The quoted speech in the story objectively reveals Mandela’s political views through which some aspects of Mandela’s qualities are shown clearly.

2. Playing an interview game

Ask the students to do an interview in pairs. Suppose one is a journalist, and the other is Elias. A journalist is interviewing Elias with the following questions.

1)When did you first meet Mandela?

2)Can you tell me more about how he helped you?

3)Can you tell me about the problems that the black people are facing?

4)How do you like his idea of peaceful fighting?

5)What do you think of him?

6)What will you do to support him in the future?

→Step 5 Consolidation

Give the students several minutes to prepare. Then ask them to retell the story according to the following clues:Elias’ problem; Mandela’s help; Elias’ support.

Sample retold passage:

Elias is a black worker in South Africa. His family was so poor that he had to drop out of school at the age of eight. Later on, he was able to work as a gold miner in Johannesburg. But he hadn’t got a passbook which was required if one wanted to live in Johannesburg. He was worried about being dismissed. However, he was lucky enough to get some help from Nelson Mandela and managed to get the correct papers. After that, he began to know more Mandela and his political ideas. He agreed with Mandela’s views on the unfair laws against the black people and his idea about peaceful fighting. He also knew that all Mandela wanted to do was to fight for equal rights for the black people. So he supported him heart and soul.

→Step 4 Homework

1. Finish off the related exercises in the textbook.

2. Read the text Elias’ Story again and try to retell it.


→Step 1 Warming up

Discuss some questions to lead in the topic: the qualities a great person should have.

1. When talking about a person, what adjectives can you think of to describe his or her qualities?

2. What kind of a person are you? Do you think you have the qualities to be a great person?

3. What are the qualities you should find in a great person?

→Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Looking and answering

Look at the six people in the part Pre-reading and answer some questions.

1)Can you recognize them? Who are they?

2)Do you think they are important people? Why or why not?

3)Do you think all of them are great people?

2. Discussing and speaking

Discuss in pairs what qualities make a great person and find out whether each of the six persons is a great person or not.

→Step 3 While-reading

1. Lead-in and guessing

Tell the students:We are going to read about Nelson Mandela. Look at the title of the text. Can you guess what kind of writing the text is?

2. Skimming for topic sentences and general idea

3. Scanning for detail information

Do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 in the part Comprehending.

4. Further understanding

1)What disadvantages did Elias have in finding a job?

2)How did the white people stop the black people from being treated fairly?

3)How did the new government in South Africa treat the white people?

4)Why did Elias support Mandela?

5)Why did he support violence when he did not agree with it?

5. Language problems

While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems.

6. Reading aloud to the recording

→Step 4 After-reading

1. Discussing and answering

1)Do you think it is fair to treat others badly for things they cannot change, like the colors of skin or eyes or the race one belongs to? Give a reason.

2)What do you learn about Nelson Mandela from Elias’ Story?

3)Do you like the way Elias tells his story? Give a reason.

2. Playing an interview game

Work in pairs. Suppose one is a journalist, and the other is Elias. A journalist is interviewing Elias.

→Step 5 Consolidation

Ask the students to retell Elias’ Story according to the following clues:Elias’ problem; Mandela’s help; Elias’ support.

→Step 6 Homework

1. Finish off the related exercises in the textbook.

2. Read the text Elias’ Story again and try to retell it.


Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Elias’ Story

Topic sentence of Paragraph 1 The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.

Topic sentence of Paragraph 2 Sadly I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was worried about whether I would be out of work.

Topic sentence of Paragraph 3 The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest day of my life.

Topic sentence of Paragraph 4 The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.

Topic sentence of Paragraph 5 We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed. . .  only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

Main idea of the passage Elias describes how Nelson Mandela helped the black people through his own experience


Go to the library or get online and try to find out more information about Nelson Mandela, ANC and ANC Youth League. Take notes about them so as to exchange with each other.






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