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教案是上课的重要依据,通常包括:班级、学科、课题、上课时间、课的类型、教学方法、教学目的、教学内容、课的进程和时间分配等。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一英语必修1Unit1教案,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

__________ B.feel stress

___________ C.resting

___________ D.uninterested

___________ E.believe or think

___________ F.needs to be done as soon as possible

___________ G. file(文件), paper

___________ H. 12 o'clock at night

switch off     take up     switch on   switch over/to    be filled with   go  off

__ _________ 1.(闹钟)响

___________ 2.占据

___________ 3.把开关打开

___________ 4.转换频道

___________ 5.把……关掉

___________ 6.充满

Step2. Warm-up

1. Do you ever watch too much TV? What kinds of TV programs do you like best?

2. Show some pictures of different kinds of TV programmes.

Key words:  sports programmes, the news, tv series, cartoons, game shows, films, talk shows, music programmes

Step3 Pre-reading

Show the picture of Brain and ask the questions:

1.  What is the man doing in the picture?

2. What kind of lifestyle do you think the men in the picture have?

Step4. While-Reading

I. Fast—Reading: Read the text quickly and finish the following  exercises

1. Match the topic with each paragraph

Para1  I also do some exercise.

Para2  I can live this lifestyles because I have a good wife.

Para3  I watch much TV everyday.

2. Write down the TV programmes that Brian usually watches.

At noon

In the afternoon

In the evenings

At nine thir ty

At night until 2 a.m.

II. Careful-readi ng :Read the text carefully and finish the following exercises

1. Fill in the blanks

Time Brian

At noon When I ______, I turn on TV and watch Children’s program. Then I get up, ________and ______ TV again in the living room

In the afternoon I watch another old film--- they are showing some good ones __________

In the evenings I watch __________  or sport and the news at six o’clock.

At nine thirty If there is a good play on BBC2, I ______ and watch it.

Until 2 a.m.  I usually _________TV at about 2 and go to bed. I never watch TV _______

2. True or false

(   ) 1.Brain is a lazy man, b ut he does exercise every day

(   ) 2. Brian has more than one TV set.

(   ) 3. Brian’s wife goes out to work and supports the family.

(   ) 4. Brian enjoys this kind of lifestyle.

3. What do you think “You’ve got the world at your feet’ means?______

A.You are in a place where you have chance to be successful.

B. You feel you have a succesful life.

C.You are standing on the top of the world

Step5. After-reading:

1.Retell: A couch potato


In the morning wake up, tur n on, go downstairs, switch on,


In the afternoon & evening at the moment,  TV series,  switch over,

switch off


Exercise do some exercise, take Tina for walk,

take portable TV


Reason & My feeling couldn’t …without…,  make my meals,

at your feet

Step6. Homework

1. 全品导学案 练习I,II, III(第一个表格)

2. Write down your perfect day.

My Perfect Day

In the morning

In the afternoon

In the evening



高一冀教版英语必修1教案:Unit 6 Learning through travel

冀教版高一英语必修一unit5教案:Literature The Dream Keeper


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