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冀教版高一英语必修一unit5教案:Literature The Dream Keeper



Section Four

Step I. Introduction of background information of the woman writer.




Step II. Check of understanding

1. How would you feel if you were a Chinese person born in the USA?

2. Are you still Chinese when you don’t know any Chinese?

3. Why do you think the author simply denied that she was Chinese?

4. What is it that drives her to go back to her roots?

5. Toward the end of the story, do you think the author comes to see that she is Chinese? Why or why not?

Step III. Difficult points

1. take off

2. feel my excitement rising

3. cannot be helped

4. I was about as Chinese as they were

5. someday

6. with引导的伴随状语

7. if only / only if

8. as though / as if

Step IV. Language points

1. be worth doing / sth. be worth while doing / to do sth.

It’s worth seeing / hearing / reading值得一看/一听/一读

be worth notice / the trouble 值得注意/费点事

It is worth while the place.这地方值得参观。

The problem is worth .这个问题值得讨论一下。

比较:上面两句中的主语, worth 前面的主语是名词或代词, 后面的动名词其逻辑宾语是句子的主语, 这是一种用主动式表达被动式的一种句型。worth while 前面的是It 是形式主语。

2. close to:

Our house is quite close to the town center.

Don’t get close to the falling building.

They were standing close to each other.

第一句中的close 是______ 词.二三句中的是______ 词.

The two things are closely interconnected.这两个事物是相互紧密地联系在一起的。


3. follow


The children followed their mother into the room.

We shall follow closely the latest advance of the subject in the world. We followed the road to the top of the hill.

I didn’t follow his line of reasoning.

The soldiers must follow the officer’s orders.

Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug. Disease often follows war.

4. cannot help but 不能不,不得不 can’t help 情不自禁地做某事

One cannot help but be struck by the enthusiasm of the representatives present.


I cannot help doing so under these circumstances.在这样的情况下我不得不这样做。

比较上面两句话,can’t help but 后面接__________ , can’t help 后接的是____________ .

It can’t be helped. 这是没办法的.

5. go through

to go through two stages (时期,阶段)

These countries have gone / been through too many wars.

上面两句中go through 意思是______________

The law has gone through Parliament(议会).

Their plans went through.他们的计划得到了批准。

You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.


归纳上面句子中go through的意思:

6. as though = as if ( means in a way that suggests that something is true )

The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg.这动物走路的样子好像伤了腿似的。

She looked as if she’d been crying. 她看上去好像哭过.

He shook his head as if to say no.

7. similar 相似的, 类似的

My new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。

be similar to

比较:familiar 熟悉的,熟知的

Are you familiar with this type of car? 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗?

Are you familiar with the rules of baseball? 你熟悉棒球规则吗?

He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.他通晓中国古代史。

be familiar with 表示 ________ 对________ 熟悉.

Those plants are familiar to me.

The history of Tang Dynasty is quite familiar to him.

be familiar to

8. doubt 学习下列例句,归纳doubt 的用法

I doubt whether/if he is at home.我看他不一定在家。

I do not doubt that he can recite it.我相信他能把它背下来。

Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会获胜吗?

I doubt what he said.我不相信他说的话。

9. intend vt.想要, 打算, 意指, 意为

We intend to go. They intend going. You intended that she go.

intend 后接_______和_________ 意思一样 , 如果接从句,从句中的谓语动词用_________.

intend...for 打算供...使用;打算使...成为;

The book is intended for beginners.本书是为初学者编写的。

The parent intended their daughter for a doctor . (翻译)

10. regard...as...把...视为; 认为...是

You can’t regard him as a friend but a business associate.


‘Titanic’ .


At that time the ship’Titanic’was regarded as unsinkable.


regard ... as ... 后面可接名词或 .


He challenged me to play another tennis game.他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球。

I challenged him to a game of chess.我邀他跟我下棋。

向...挑战的句型为 其中的to 后接动词时,是不定式符号, 接名词时to为介词。

12. purpose

What is your purpose in doing that? 你做那件事的意图是什么?

set the purpose for 为...确立目标 When you read , you must set the purpose for reading.

on purpose 故意地;为了;特地

I came here .我特地来这里看你。

for/with the purpose of ; 为的是; 为了....起见; 为了...的目的

He went to town .


13. more than


I have been there more than once.

More than one student has been to the Great Wall in our class.

Reading is more than rapidly running one’s eyes over the words.

My English teacher is more than a teacher, he is also my friend.

前两句中的more than 意思是 ;后面两句中的more than 意思是 。

Step IV. Homework

Review the whole unit and finish the exercise



高一年级英语必修一教案:Unit2 English around the world

高一英语必修1冀教版教案:Unit 2 Friendship


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