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人教版高一英语必修1教案:Unit 1 Friendship



1. Present some sentences for Ss

1) My friend says, “ I will come here tomorrow?”


My friend says she / he will come here tomorrow?


My friend said she / he would come here the next day.

如果地点变了, 时间还是今天,你来转述,应该说:

My friend sayd she / he will go there tomorrow.

如果时间地点都变了, 你来转述,应该说:

My friend said She / he would go there the next day.


He/ She said he /she would go there the next day.


2)“Do you go to the park yesterday?” He asked me.

He asked me if / whether I went to the park the day before.

3) Kate said to John, “What’s your favourite food?”

Kate asked John what his favourite food was.

2. Get the Ss to have a look at Part 1 in “Discovering useful structures” and sum up this grammar point.


Step Three: Practice

1. Do the first tow sentences in Part 2 as examples.

2. Check the answers together.

Step Four: Assignments

1. Wb, Page 42, 43 (Individual, Groups)

2. Prepare for Reading on Page 44

The Sixth Period ( Reading)

Teaching aims:

1. to learn about friendship in Hawaii

2. to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension

3. to learn about the following words and expressions:

way; the second important; It’s believed that…; in peace; those who …; etc.

Teaching methods:

1. reading and discussion

2. cooperative learning and speaking

Teaching methods: Reading (Page 44)

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in

1. Ask the Ss if they can think of any place in the world where Chinese and Western cultures live side by side.

( Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, the Philippines, San Francisco, etc.)

Step Two: Reading

1. Get the Ss to read the passage and try to finish the table in Ex1.

2. Read the passage carefully again and discuss the questions in Ex2.

3. Report their discussion

Step Three: Listening to the text and comprehend it

Step Four: Language points

1. the way to do sth. / the way of doing sth.

2. the second most important

the second + adj.(最高级)

the third + adj. (最高级)

eg. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

China is the third largest country in the world.

3. to enjoy the land = in order to enjoy the land

eg. To make the w8th Olympic Games the game ever, Beijing will make several changes.

* to do和 in order to do可以置于句首、句末,而 so as to do只能置于句末。

4. Indeed, Hawaii is a place where ….small communities.

5. It’s believed that the islands can be a paradise ….

It’s believed that …= People believe that …

eg. It’s believed that they arrived more than 30,000 years ago.

6. in peace

7. … they are really talking about all those who live on the islands.

those who…=people who … “凡…的人”

eg. The teacher praised those who had done good deeds.

We find it our duty to help those who are in trouble.

8. Living in peace, Hawaiians has developed …

现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于 As they are living in peace.

9. Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.

Step Five: Listening to the text and enjoy it

The Seventh Period ( Speaking Task and Writing)

Teaching aims:

1. to develop Ss’ speaking ability and learn to express their own views

2. enable Ss to write a letter of advice

Teaching methods:

1. tasked-based learning

2. speaking

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Speaking task

Task One: Ex1 (Page 45)

1. Get the Ss to work in pairs, have them read the situations and choose one to discuss.

2. Ask the Ss to present their dialogue.

Task Two: Ex2 (Page 45-46)

1. Ask the Ss to look at the pictures.

2. Work in groups of four and talk about whether they are doing is cool or not.

3. Try to express their own views to the whole class.

Step Two: Writing

Task One: Ask the Ss to write a letter of advice

1. Get the S to read the letter on Page 7 and understand it.

2. Ask the Ss to work in pairs and talk about how to answer the letter.

3. Write the letter in reply down.

Task Two: Ask the Ss to write a passage about their opinions on friend and friendship

1. Read the proverbs carefully.

2. Write a passage to express their own opinions.

Step Three: Assignments

1. Fill in the form in Sum up (Page 8)

2. Fill in the form in Checking yourself (Page 47)



高一英语教案范文:Unit5 LeteratureThe Dream Keeper

高一英语教案范文:Unit3 Men and Women Different


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