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高一下学期英语教案:Unit5 LeteratureThe Dream Keeper



This government came into power at the last election.


The United States and Russia are world powers in international affairs.


8. regular adj. 有规则的;有秩序的;经常的;合格的;定期的

regular breathing均匀的呼吸,a regular heart beat正常的心跳,regular teeth整齐的牙齿

a regular customer老主顾、常客,a regular offender惯犯,a regular soldier正规士兵

9. scene n. 现场,场面;情景,景色;发生地点;(戏剧)一场;布景,道具布置

We came to the scene of the accident at once. 我们立刻赶到事故现场。

It reminded us of the miserable scene of the big earthquake.


We will go abroad for a change of scene. 我们将出国旅行换换风景。

Such are the lines of the Act 1,Scene 2 of Hamlet. 这是《哈姆雷特》第二场第一幕中的台词。

10. host n. 主人,东道主;旅馆老板;(广播,电视的)节目主持人

vt .(作……主人或东道主),主办,主持;以主人身份招待

We are proud to get the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games. 我们为有机会做2008奥运会的东道主感到自豪。

Yesterday we were hosts to a few friends. 昨天我们招待了几位朋友。

We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.我们参加了由公司总裁举行的聚餐会。


1. Know its root and you will understand its origin.(P. 57)了解了它的词根你就明白了它的词源。

祈使句+ and/or…句型相当于一个包含有条件状语的复合句。and前面的肯定祈使句相当于一个肯定的条件句,or前面的肯定祈使句相当于一个否定的条件句,or前面的否定祈使句相当于一个肯定的条件句;前面的祈使句有时可以是一个短语;or有时可用otherwise代替。如:

Work hard, and you will be admitted to a key university.

=If you work hard,you will be admitted to a key university.


A bit more efforts,and the problems could be settled.

=If you make a bit more efforts,the problems could be settled.


Come on time, or you won't see her.

=If you don't come on time,you won't see her.


Don’t have the machine running all the time, otherwise it will be out of order.

=If you have the machine running all the time ,it will be out of order.


2. As with any good detective arriving on the crime scene, the first thing to do when meeting a new and difficult word is to assess the situation, to look at everything that is known and see if it helps us to understand its meaning. (P. 57)


as with表示“正如……一样”,是as it is the same with 的省略形式。如:

As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing that job.


As with other mental disorders, the most important part of treatment is to first identify the problem.


3. You usually find old and wise people sitting in the Senate.(P. 58)



Jefferson also found his memory failing.


Don’t you feel the wind coming from the southeast?


The lack of money keeps him working day and night.


How can I get the car starting? 我如何才能让这辆车启动呢?


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