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高一英语教案:The silver screen教案3



威廉希尔app 高中频道为各位老师准备了高中不同科目的教案以供大家参考,下面是一篇高一英语教案:The silver screen教案3希望可以帮助到您!

Unit 5 Period 5 Word studyGrammar

Teaching goals

1. Target language

Words and expressions:

silver; hero; scene; law; career; drama; role; actress; award; prize; choice; degree; director; speed; script; actor; academy; studio; creature; outer; adult; follow-up; crulty; peace; industry; owe; happiness; accept; icy; primary; leader; determine; live(a.); boss; comment; action; silver screen; take off; go wrong; owe sth to sb; in all; stay away; primary school; lock sb up; run after; bring sb back; on the air; think highly of

2. Abilities:

Learning how to describe the time, place and reason ,using the Attributive Clause.

Teaching key points:

Learning how to describe the time, place and reason ,using the Attributive Clause.

Teaching methods:

Discussing or cooperative learning.

Teaching Aids :

a multi-media room

Teaching Procedures:

StepⅠ. Lead-in

StepⅡ. Warming-up (多媒体展示multi-media slides show)

StepⅢ. Learning   Team work /group work.

StepⅣ. Language points

定语从句 (the Attributive Clause)




StepⅤ.Homework / Classwork

(  ) 1. The seed had already taken root. It had begun to        .

A. grow   B. root   C. grow up   D. raise

(  ) 2. Mr. Wang has two _____ sons; one has got married and the other has gone abroad.

A. grow-up   B. growing-up   C. grown-up   D. grew-up

(  ) 3. Nancy hasn't begun working on her Ph.D. _____ working on her master's.

A. still because she is yet    B. yet as a result she is still

C. yet because she is still    D. still while she is already

(  ) 4. The plane is on the point of taking off. =The plane       .

A. is about to taking off B. is going to taking off C. is about to take off D. shall take off

(  ) 5. --____you or he the teacher of English?--Neither my sister nor my mother _____present at the meeting.  A. Are; is   B. Is; are   C. Are; are   D. Is; is

The keys: 1-5.ACCCA

教案是教师的教学设计和设想,希望这篇高一英语教案:The silver screen教案3可以有助于您备课。


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