北师大版高一英语必修1教案: Unit3教案
Activities 设计意图
Intentions 互动模式&时间
Lead in
Step 1 Brainstorm: List the words related to Christmas. [PPT 3]
CW 2’
Step 2 Learning some new words related to Christmas by presenting pictures [PPT 4-7]
引导学生学习话题词汇,扩充词汇库 CW 3’
Step 3 Fast reading : find what things about Christmas are mentioned in the passage.
Circle the things in the p assage. (Ex. 2)
[PPT 8]
快速阅读,在文章中理解和巩固话题词汇 IW 3’
Step 4 Detailed reading: 1. Read the text and learn some new words by E nglish meaning and exercises.
1) Match the words with their definitions. (PPT & Hando ut)
[PPT 9-12]
2) Choose the correct words and complete the sentences with correct forms.
[PPT 13-16] [学案II] 引导学生在文章中学习词汇,并在具体语境中运用 IW and IM 8’
Step 5 2. Read the passage again and do Ex. 4 according to the Reading Strategies [PPT 17] 指导学生体会、理解阅读策略,并在阅读中进行实践运用。 IW and IM 7’
Step 6 3. Read the passage again and do Ex. 3
[PPT 18-19] 指导学生认真阅读课文,理解文章结构和主要 内容 IW and PW 5’
Step 7 Retell the memories according to the key words.
[PPT 20-21] [学案III-1] 引导学生内化文章内容,并用自己的语言进行输出 IW and GW 6’
Step 8 Speaking: Talk about your memories of an important festival. [PPT 22-23] [学案III-2] 指导学生进行口语练习,进一步巩固主要话题词汇和表达句型 GW 8’
Step 9 Further discussion:
Why do we celebrate festivals ?
What can we learn
from celebrating festivals?
[PPT 24-2 5] 引导学生进行思想、情感和价值观等方面的深层次思考和讨论,培养学生的文化意识和爱国情感。 IW and GW 3’
1. Read the passage again and do the exercises on P84, 85.
2. Get ready to write about your childhood memories of an important festival.
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