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The Fifth Period (Discovering Useful Structures)

Teaching aims:

Let the Ss use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech better.

Teaching methods:

1. discovery learning

2. coopera tive learning

Teaching materials: Page 12

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Revision

1. Check the homework with the Ss

2. Revise what we have learned about the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech in unit1. Rewrite the following sentences.xkb1.com

1. I like singing. (He said)

2. Will you come to see me tomorrow? (Mary asked him…)

3. When did you tell him the truth? (They asked me…)

4. What has he done?  ( Do you know…)

5. Anne is washing clothe s now. (Mother told me …)

Step Two: discovering useful structures

1. Look at the following three sentences and see which o ne is not po lite and which is very polite.

Open the window.          (not polit e)

Please open the window.     (polite)

Would you Please open the window?   (very polite)

2   Use “Please…./ Could you please…? / Would you please…?” to change the following COMMANDS into REQUESTS.

Close the door.

Give some thing to drink.

Take the dog for a walk.

Speak louder.

Clean your room.

3  Go through the two examples in Part1 with the whole class, then present some other sentences for Ss:

(1) She said to us, “Please sit down.”

She asked us to sit down.

(2) He said to him, “Go away.”

He ordered him to go away.

(3 ) Mother  said to me,  “Come back before 10:00.”

Mother told me to go back befo re 10:00.

(4) He said , “ Don’t make so much noise, boys.”

He told the boys not  to make so much noise.

*转述祈使句时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加 上tell, ask, order等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,在不定式的前面加 not 。


2)祈使句间接引语的引述动词除了ask, tell, order外,也可根据情况使用advise, remind, warn等。

E.g.. “Remember to switch off all the lights.”  She said.

She re membered me to switch off all the lights.

“Don’t make t he same mistake any more. ”  she said.

She told / asked / warned me not to make the same  mistake any more.


Step Three: Practice

1. Do the three exercises on P12.(Discuss in pairs first and then ask some individual students to do.).

Step Four: Assignments

1. Wb, Page 50:Using structure 1 and2.

2. Prepare for Reading on Page13.



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