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高中高一英语教案:Unit2 Friendship



9. focus on vt. & vi.

(1)使集中在焦点上, 定焦点, 调焦

例句:A nearsighted person cannot focus on distant object.


I focused the camera on her.我把照相机的焦点对准她。

(2)聚焦, 注视

例句:We must focus (our attention) on urgent problems.


10. get along (well) with


例句:How are you getting along with your new girlfriend?  你和新女友相处得如何?

-“How are you getting on with your classmates?”


-“Quite well, thank you.”  “挺好,谢谢。”

Yang Mei is getting on well with her foreign friends.



例句:How are you getting along with your work?  你的工作进展如何?

-“How are you getting on with your business?”“你的生意做得怎么样?”

-“Not bad, thank you.” “还不错,谢谢。”

At first she didn't get on well with her job.一开始她的工作做得并不好。

11. decide on 对……作出决定(指经过考虑或讨论研究作出决定)

例句:She decided on the red shoes.她决定要买那双红鞋。

They decided on spending the vacation by the sea.他们决定在海边度假。

He decided on taking the position at the bank. (=He decided to take the position at the bank.)


12. be different from  与……不同

例句:My opinion is different from yours.我的意见和你的不相同。

City life is very different from country life.都市生活和乡村生活是非常不同的。


(1)tell the difference between(between A and B)

tell常与情态动词 can或 be able to连用,意为“断定,清楚地知道”。

例如:Who can tell what will happen?谁能预知将会发生什么事呢?

People can't tell the difference between the twin brothers. 人们分辨不出这对孪生兄弟。

Can you tell the difference between these two words?你能讲得出这两个词的区别吗?

(2)be different in… 在……方面不同于

例句:They are quite different in their tastes.他们的品位差异很大。

13. get across (使)越过,通过,被理解

例句:I have tried to get my point across.我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了。

How can I get across to the students?我怎样才能让学生心服口服?

14. calm down 平静下来,镇定下来

例句:It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。

15. build up 增进;加强

build up one's strength增强体力

例句:But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.


Hard working conditions build up character. (喻)艰苦的工作条件能磨练人的性格。

Promote physical culture and build up the people's health.发展体育运动,增强人民体质。

I'm very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up.


16. due to adv. 由于,因为;由……引起;

accidents due to driving at high speed由于高速开车而引起的交通事故。

例句:Her illness was due to bad food.她的病是坏了的食物造成的。

17. give away vt.


例句:He gave all his lands to the city.他把他所有的土地捐赠给那个城市。


例句:She is sure to give away your secret.她一定会泄露你的秘密。


例句:However, it was her face that gave her away.  然而,她的表情背叛了她。


1. feeling,emotion,passion,sentiment

(1)这些名词指的是情绪反应,并通常指强烈的主观的个人反应,例如爱或恨。尽管feeling和emotion 有时可以互换使用,但feeling 更概括更中性:

feelings of hope and joy 充满希望和快乐的感觉

a feeling of inferiority 自卑感

religious feelings 宗教情感

a feeling of discomfort 不舒服的感觉

I have a feeling he'll come.


He had lost all feeling in the left leg.



He has difficulty controlling his emotions.


Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.



They seemed like ungoverned children inflamed with the fiercest passions of men.



What are your sentiments about the government's policies?


Reason should not be guided by sentiment.理智不应受感情左右。

There is no sentiment in business affairs.商场上是不讲情面的。


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