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高中英语教学设计方案:《Mainly revision》



教学设计方案Lesson 29

Teaching Aims

1. To train the students’ ability of listening and improve their spoken English.

2. To learn how to make an offer of food.

3. To learn how to use the following useful words and expressions: offer a piece of help oneself to.

4. To get the Ss to know some table manners.

Teaching procedures

Step I Presentation

1.T: We are going to learn some table manners and new words. (Write these on the blackboard).

2. Competition: Write these columns on the Bb.

The Ss work in groups. They have to write down the names of as many items of food as they can think of in English. See which group can write down the most items for each category.

3. Teach the names of food, using some pictures on the projector or the real things. Then ask the Ss what kind of food they like to eat most.

Step 3 Listening

Tell the Ss that we are going to learn a dialogue. In the dialogue Jim and Bob are at Li Jia’s house for dinner.

1. Get the Ss to listen to the tape.

2. After listening, ask the Ss to answer the questions.

3. Get the Ss to listen to the tape again. This time listen and repeat.

Step 4 Reading

Ask the Ss to see how Li Jia offers food to the guests.

T: Please listen to the tape carefully with your books closed. After that, you are to answer some questions.

1) How many kinds of food do the friends talk about in the dialogue? (five)

2) What are they? (beancurd, beef, chicken, pancake, soup)

Step 5 Language study

T allow the Ss enough time to discuss the difficult phrases or sentences. After that, ask some Ss to explain them. If they have any problems, the T explains them.

1) Do you like. . . ? (in general)

Would you like. .. ? (It’s more polite than “Do you want. . .now?”)

2) How about some more beef? (There is no main verb here. This is acceptable in speech, but not usually in written English. )

3) There’ s plenty more. =There’s plenty more beef.

4) Next time you must come to us. =We will invite you to have supper at our house next time.

5) Help yourself to. . . ==Please take. . .for yourself.

6) another piece of =one more piece of


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