Step 6 Summary and further discussion
1. Retell the text.
2. Discussion:
1) Do you think the agriculture is important?
2) How can you make contributions to the agriculture?
3) What have you learnt from the text?
Step 7 Homework
1. Finish off the exercises in the Wb on Page 93 & 94.
2. Read the text aloud and recite the third paragraph of the text.
1.play a role: What’s the favorite food? 教师拿出图片给学生看,组织学生两个人一组编写对话,说出自己喜欢的食物,教师与其他学生进行评定。
教师给学生话题,How to be polite if you are invited to a dinner? 学生可分成几组进行,讨论完之后,教师进行总结,然后告诉学生更多有关餐桌礼节的有关知识。
T: There are some differences in table manners between the western countries and China. If an American or Englishman invites you to dinner, you’d better arrive on time. You can arrive a few minutes late but you can’t arrive early. While eating, you’ d better put your table napkin on your knees not around your neck if there is any. In China, we usually serve dishes first and then soup, while in the West, people prefer to serve soup before dishes. In China, hosts are always toasting wine and picking up food for their guests again and again but in the west especially in America, hosts only offer food once. If you want to have more, just help yourself to it. Don’t pretend to be refined. The host won’t offer a second time. Hosts like their guests to help themselves. If you don’t know the taste of a dish, you can taste a little. You mustn’t refuse what your host offers you. If you don’t like it indeed, you can honestly say; Sorry. I’m not used to that. Thank you. But you must eat up all the food put in your plate, finish all the wine put in your glass. Don’t make any noises while eating. Don’t put your plate close to your mouth or put you mouth into the plate. You should help your host/ hostess to set the table before the dinner. After the meal you ought to offer your host the help to clear the table.
总结:高一英语教案:Mainly revision教案就为大家介绍到这儿了,希望小编的整理可以帮助到大家,祝大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。
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