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高一英语教案:A new factory教案



The park which is near the sea is very beautiful.位于海滨的那座公园很美。

The cars will be supplied to people all over the country. 汽车将向全国供应。


supply sb. with sth. ; supply sth. to / for sb.

This river supplies water to/for people along it. 这条河流向沿岸人民供给饮用水。

The bookshop supplies textbooks to/ for students./The bookshop supplies students with textbooks. 这家商店供应学生教科书。

Milk is supplied to each house in bottles by the shop. 这家商店供应各家各户瓶装牛奶。

They will spend almost 100 million yuan on the project.这个工程将耗资他们1亿元。

“spend+表示钱的名词或短语+ on + n.”结构的意思是“花多少钱买某物”。例如:

He spent ten dollars on that jacket. 买那件夹克他花了10美元。

“spend + 表示时间的名词或短语 + on + n”结构表示“花费多少时间做某事”。例如:

They spent five years on the bridge. 他们建那座桥用了5年时间。


She spent a whole morning ( in) learning English. 她一早上都在学习英语。


Are/Will you be free tonight? 今晚你有空吗?

How about tomorrow morning? 明天早晨怎么样?

Shall we meet at 1:00 at...? 我们一点钟在……见面,好吗?

I wonder if we could…我想知道我们是否可以……

We’ll meet at 7:00 at…我们将在7点钟时在……见面。

Let’s gather at the gate of our school at …让我们……钟在校门口见/聚齐。


Yes, that’s all right. That’s fine with me. I’ll be waiting for you here/ there. OK. That’s settled then.


I’m afraid I can’t make it tonight. I don’t think I can. I’m sorry, but…


All right. See you then.

教学设计示例Lesson 21

Teaching Aims

1.To learn the following words and expressions:

How long have you. . . ?

Take a look at…. Let's go out for a drive.

Don’t be late. Do a lot of walking.


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