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高中高一英语教学设计方案:《Why do you do that》



4)fetch意为“去拿来”,如图所示: 含有一去一来的意思。

如:People had to walk many kilometers in order to fetch wood.人们要砍柴得走很远。

burn v.--烧毁,焚毁.烧伤;(由酸类)灼伤;燃烧(以取火或热)


I will keep the box in the shade so that the sun doesn't burn the little plants.我将把盒子放在阴凉处以防太阳晒坏小苗。

The two men had their limits burning all night long in order that everyone might see how hard they were working on the Emperor’ s new clothes. 这两个人点了一夜灯以便让大家知道 他们赶做皇帝的新装是多么卖力。


He took a burnt stick up from the ground.他从地上捡起一个燃烧过的棍子。


They had burned all the old letters before they left.他们在离开前把所有的信都烧了。


In fact they grow better if you feed them. 事实上如果你们喂养他们,他们就能生长得更好。

She feeds her baby on (with) cows’ milk. =She feeds cows’ milk to her baby.

The sheep feed chiefly on grass. 羊主要以草为食。

soil, earth, ground ,land 和 field的区别


He filled the hole with earth. 他用泥土填洞。

soil 指土壤,耕地,国土等。

Soil is earth in which flowers, trees and other plants can grow. 土壤是花草、树木及其他植物得以生长的泥土。

land 指相对于大海而言的“陆地”,也可以指土地、 国土等。

After along journey, they found the rich land. 经过长途跋涉,他们找到了这块沃土。


There is a large play ground in front of our building.在我们楼前有一个大操场。


They are working in the fields. 他们正在地里干活。

The rest are left to grow even taller. 余下的被留下来以让它们长得更高。

1)the rest作“剩余部分,其余”讲。它作主语时,其谓语动词的数要依据它所指代的名词的数来确定。例如:

The rest of the money was left to his son. 剩余的钱留给他儿子。

Only Tom is in the classroom. The rest of the students are still at play.只有汤姆在教室里。其余的学生还在玩。

2)句中的副词even修饰比较级taller, 它没有实际意义,只起加强语气的作用。可用来修饰形容词或副词比较级的词或短语还有much, far, still, rather, a lot, a great, deal, a little, a bit等。例如:

It’s a bit cold today. 今天有点冷。

His book is far more interesting. 他的书更加有趣。

so that he can catch the first bus.

in order that he can catch the first bus.

so as to catch the first bus.

in order to catch the first bus.

to catch the first bus.


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