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STEP II Warming-up:

1. The T shows the picture of the Olympic Flag to the Ss. The teacher may ask a question like this: “Do you know the Olympic flag?”

2. Ask them to discuss the Olympic Flag.

There are five rings joined together. The five rings stand for five continents. They are Asia, America, Africa Europe, and Oceania. They are joined together as a sign of friendship. The different colours stand for different continents. Asia: yellow; America: red; Africa: black; Europe: blue; Oceania: green

STEPIII Listening:

I. Listen to the tape twice, then T show some numbers to the Ss

1)4 years 2)776BC 3)393AD 4)1896(311/13) 5)1984 6)1992(8,000/150//250/16/12)

II. Allow the Ss enough time to discuss the meanings of these numbers first in groups and then in class. The T should write some key words on the Bb.

1) every 4 years, take part in

2) around the year 776BC, the old Olympics

3) about the year 393AD, stop

4) in 1894, the first Olympic Games, 311 competitors, 13 countries

5)in 1984,4 gold medals

6) in 1992, 8, 000 competitors, 150 countries, 16 gold medals, 12 gold medals won by women

STEP ⅣReading:

Ask the Ss to read the text from the beginning to the end and try to find out the answer to the following question.

1) How often are the Olympic Games held?

2) When and where did the old Olympic Games begin?

3) When did the Olympic Games stop?

4) When did the first Olympic Games in modem times happen?

5) How many competitors were there in the 1896 games?

6) In which Olympic Games did Carl Lewis win 4 gold medals?

7) When and where did the 25th Olympic Games begin?

8) How many competitors went there?

9) How many gold medals did the Chinese team win in Barcelona?

10) How many gold medals were won by the Chinese women?

StepⅤLanguage points:

Ask the Ss to sum up the new words and expressions and help them to explain them in English. Write the new words and expressions on the Bb.

athlete → a person who is very good at sports and who competes in games

compete→ to try to win in competition with someone else

competitor→ someone who takes part in a competition

unusual →something strange, not usual

motto→ a short sentence or a few words taken as the guiding principle of a person and the way he believes.


prize→something of value given to someone who is successful in a game, race, competition, etc.

take part in→work. or play with other people in.

2. Ask the Ss to fill in the gaps with the new words

1. John ____ for a place at their school, but didn’t get in.


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