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高一年级英语教案精选:Abraham Lincoln



好多老师又要忙着为同学们写教案、备课。教案的制作需要清晰地思路,条理的章程,威廉希尔app 编辑了高一年级英语教案精选:Abraham Lincoln,欢迎老师们参考借鉴!

1. 掌握下列词与词组

slave slavery  owner freedom  set (set, set )

fight law  lawyer  spare politics

president union civil war enemy

death consider wise honest set … free no more than in all spare time of one's own

break away from the Union break out

join up consider…as beat … to death call for

2. 掌握日常交际用语

1. What's on at the cinema this week?

2. What's it about?

3. That sounds interesting.

4. How do you know so much about it?

3. 巩固已学的定语从句,并学习由when/where 引导的定语从句


1. 词法

(1) consider

[说明]作“认为”讲,后跟不定式的复合结构,表示“consider sb/sth to be”,这一结构表示

“认为某人/某事……”,“把……当作……”。与 “regard sb/sth as” 相同。

例如:Jenny is considered (to be) warm-hearted.


The Great Wall is considered as one of the most interesting places in the world.


(2) no more than



例如:I have no more than ten yuan in my pocket, so I can only buy a hamburger for



There were no more than two public hospitals in this city before liberation.


(3) be against


例如:Are you for or against our project?


We are all for peace and against war.


(4) set … free


例如:They were set free a few days ago after they were in prison for five years.


The old lady set the fish free so that they can swim freely in the river.


(5) break away


例如:It was wrong for him to break away from all his good friends.


The students were encouraged to break away from the bad habits.


(6) break out

[说明]作“爆发”,“突然发生”解。它与happen, take place, come out等词的用法一样,


例如:Could you tell me when World War II broke out?


Shortly after the fire broke out, the firemen arrived and controlled the fire.


I don't know why a quarrel broke out between the two neighbours because

they used to be close friends.


(7) be free to do sth.


例如:Nowadays in some universities students are free to choose their favourite



During the holiday I can be free to do everything I like, such as swimming,

reading etc..



1. Here are the things you must do when an earthquake _____.

A. breaks out   B. breaks away

C. happened   D. breaks down

2. We all consider Yang Chen _____ one of the best football players in China, as he

has been in a football club in Germany for 3 years.

A. to be   B. as   C. /   D. all of the above

3. Taiwan is never allowed _____ the mainland anyway. It is known to all that it

belongs to China.

A. to break out   B. to break in

C. to break away from   D. breaking away from

4. Is the flower beautiful? Yes, at _____ it's _____ the one you bought for me.

A. last; as bad as   B. last; no better than

C. least; not better   D. least; no worse than

5. People in the village have decided to _____ a hospital this year.

A. put up B. build up C. set up D. take up

2. 语法句法

(1) 关系副词when, where引导的定语从句

1) when指时间,相当于at that time,在从句中作时间状语。

例如:She came at a time when we needed her most.


The little girl will never forget the day when she was sold and taken away

from her mother.


2) where相当于at that place,在从句中作地点状语。

例如:This is the house where ( in which) my grandparents used to live.


Mum told her son to make a rule to leave things where he could find them



(2) so … that


1) 作“如此……以致于”解,常用“so+形容词/副词+that从句”。

例如:She was so angry that she couldn't say a word.

(= She was too angry to say a word.)


Our maths teacher spoke so fast that we could hardly follow him.


It was so hot that we all went for a swim.


2) so+形容词+ a/ an名词+ that从句。

例如:He is so clever a student that everyone likes him.


It's so difficult a problem that none of us can work it out.


3) such … that 作“如此……以致于”解。“such+形容词+名词+that从句”。

例如:He is such a clever boy that everyone likes him.


It is such a difficult problem that none of us can work it out.


(3) She did all she could to help him.

这句话可以这样说:She did all that she could do to help him.


例如:The doctor did all he could to save the little patient who was badly

hurt in a car accident.


The workers have done what they could to finish the work early.



(1) fight


1) fight 既可以作名词;又可作动词。

在英语中有许多词既可以作名词,又可作动词。如answer, care, try, drink, dress, fire,

fish, hand, help, jump, knock, turn, visit, watch, work, test 等等。

2) 与fight 搭配的词组有:

fight for 为(争取)……而斗争

fight against 为(反对)……而战

fight with 与……搏斗

例如:The workers are fighting for their rights.

高一年级英语教案精选:Abraham Lincoln是不是很有意义呢?各位同学和老师在阅读的同时也要注意开拓思维,注重积累,这样才能更好的提高自己,威廉希尔app 伴你成长!


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