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9. There are a lot of problems today which are beyond any single person’s ability to solve, and they call for united ____.

A. forceB. efforts C. energy D. operations

10. He went back to the hall to try his ____ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.

A. best B. success C. result D. luck

11. He found a lot of____ were ____.

A. passers-by; grown-ups B. passer-bys; growns-up

C. passer-bys; grown-upsD. passers-by; growns-up

12. He left ____ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep____.

A. words; his words B. word; his word

C. word; word D. the word; his word

13. To some life is pleasure, but to ____ it is suffering.

A. the othersB. others C. other ones D. those

14. I want to know ____: Has Mr Jones been here the whole morning?

A. it B. one C. that D. this

15. He cares so little about his meals that ____ will do so long as it fills his stomach.

A. anythingB. everything C. nothingD. something

16. ____ will make a trip around the world during the coming year.

A. The BlacksB. The Blacks’ C. The BlackD. Blacks



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