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B. must have been doing

C. could have done

D. would have done

②He _______ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by seaside. (2005年北京卷)

A. should B. must

C. wouldn’t D. can’t

③—Tom is never late for work. Why is be absent today?

—Something ________ to him. (2005年江西卷)

A. must happen

B. should have happened

C. could have happened

D. must have happened

④ My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he_____your lecture.(2000年上海卷)

A. couldn’t have attended

B. needn’t have atterded

C. mustn’t have attended

D. shouldn’t have attended

Key: B B D A


1. “should(ought to)+完成式”表示本应该做某事而实际上没有做。其否定式表示某种行为不该发生但却发生了。

①—I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

— You________ her last week. (2004年福建卷)

A. ought to tell

B. would have told

C. must tell

D. should have told

②Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I _____ so much fried chicken just now. (2002年上海春季卷)

A. shouldn’t eat

B. mustn’t have eaten

C. shouldn’t have eaten

D. mustn’t eat

Key: D C

2. “could+完成式”表示本来能够做成某事的但结果没能做成,含有遗憾的意味。

He paid for a seat, when he ______ have entered free. (2005年山东卷)

A. could B. would

C. must D. need


3. “needn’t+不定式的完成式”表示本来不必做某事而实际上做了某事。例如:

You needn’t have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.你本不需要浇花的,因为天就要下雨了。

— Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.

— Thanks. You ______ it. I could manage it myself. (2005年福建卷)



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