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A. when B. why C. where D. that

38._____ you have done might do harm to other people.

A. What B. That C. Which D. The things

39. _____ leaves the room last ought to turn oft the lights.

A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D.Who

40._____ the 2000 Olympic Games won't be held in Beijing is known to all.

A. Whether B. If C. Whenever D. That

41. _____ fails to see this will make a big mistake.

A. That B. Whoever C. Whether D. Whether or not

42. __ we need more equipment is quite obvious.

A. What B. Whether C. That D. Whatever

43. Has it been announced _____?

A. when are the planes to take off B. that are the planes to take off

C. where are the planes to take off D. when the planes are to take off

44. That is _____ we all support his idea.

A. what B. why C. where D. when

45. That’s _____ we should do.

A. that B. what C. how D. why

46. _____ is troubling me is _____ I don’t understand _____ he said

A. What; that; what B. What; what; what

C. That; that; what D. Why; that; which

47. Things were not _____ they seemed to be.

A. when B. why C. that D. what

48. That’s _____ I want to say.

A. all what B. what C. all which D. what that

49. That’s _____ .

A. where our differences lie B. our differences lie there

C. where do our differences lie D. that where our differences lie

50. That is _____ .

A. where lived he there B. where did he live

C. where he lived D. that where he lived

51. The questions is _____.

A. whether is it worth doing B. that if it is worth doing

C. whether it is worth doing D. if it is worth doing

52. Water will continue to be _____ it is today next in importance to oxygen.

A. how B. which C. what D. as

53. That's_____.

A. how did I become a teacher B. how I became a teacher

C. how a teacher I became D. that I became a teacher

54. They are just _____.

A. that what shall I have B. what shall I have

C. that I shall have what D. what I shall have

55. It looked ____.

A. as if it was going to rain B. that as if it was going to rain

C. as if was it going to rain D. as if that it was going to rain

56. That's_____.

A. how she did it B. that how did she do it.

C. how did she do it D. what she did it

57. That is _____ we decided to put the discussion off.

A. where B. which C. that D. why

58. That’s _____ I lived when I was ten years old.

A. where B. at which C. there where D. when

59. My suggestion is _____ we should send a few comrades to help them.

A. if B. that C. when that D. that where



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