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26. He went to the market and bought __eggs and some meat.

A. three dozen of B. three dozen C. three dozens   D. three dozens of

27.Shortly after the accident two ___police were sent to the spot to keep order.

A. dozen of  B. dozens   C. dozen   D. dozens of (MET92 29)

28.Mr Smith ___me to buy several __eggs for the dinner.

A. asked, dozen   B. suggested, dozens of C. had, dozen  D. persuaded, dozens of ('94上海)

29.____of the land in that district ___covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifth, is B. Two fifth, are C. Two fifths , is  D. Two fifths, are (2000上海)

30.Two ___died of cold last winter.

A. hundreds old people   B. hundred old people

C. hundred old peoples  D. hundred old peoples ('88MET.15)

31.It is not rare in ___that people in ____fifties are going to university for further education.

A.90s,the  B. the 90s, /    C.90s, their   D. the 90s, their ('99上海 6)

32.-Have you seen many sheep in the distance ?   -Yes, ___.

A. thousand of them  B. two thousands of them

C. two thousand of them   D. two thousand them


2. C 表示"几十"的数字的复数与所有格代词一起来用以表示人的年龄,本句为"二十多岁"。

3.C 定冠词"the"和数的复数形式在一起表示年代。

4.D 序数词前面加不定冠词表示"又一次"(已经四次了)

5.A 这里"first"有人说起副词作用,可以看成表语,也可以看做一种"取得第一名"的习惯用法。

6.D 序数词和名词共同构成的专有名词还可以是thc Second World War的形式。

7.C 只有C项为正确的表达方式,或者也可以写成"one or two days".再如:one hour and a half或one and a half hours.

8.B "in half"表示"分成一样大小的两半"。也可以说"cut…in two"

9.B 再如twice the height(depth,width,weight,etc.)of

10.D either…or…连接主语用就近原则。be to hand out the prizes意为"要颁发奖品"。




14.答案为A。不可数的名词的百分比用单数;可数名词的百分比则用复数。C项时态不对,另如:90 percent of the population here are peasents.这个句子中population的意思是people.

15.答案为A。"dozen"与数词或many,several等词连用时复数一般不加s,故B、C两项不选。此外,dozen与数词连用做定语,一般也不加of.当然也有例外:Place them in dozens on the table.dozens表数量很多。Two dozen of these are wanted.dozen后面有of因为有限定词these,the等。Dozens of people were here.dozens of也表示"很多"。

16.答案为B。"半打"的表达方式一定要用"hall a dozen"。

17.答案为B。score做定语修饰名词用a(three)score of,而不用复数形式;常用"scores of"为其复数形式,意为"大量",但有:three score and ten,a score or more

18.答案为B。"hall"起副词作用,修饰过去分词"done",因为这个过去分词表状态,故"half"应在"done"前。再如:well done,well known,不用a half修饰done,故不选C、B两项。



2l.A 如:tens of thousands of(小数在前,大数在后)thousands and thonsands of(两数一样大)。

22.B 居住的门牌号用介词at+号数+街道名"。


24.答案为D。"walk"作为名词,常与不定冠词连用。注意:在表数量的合成词中,名词部分为单数,如:a two-year-old boy.

25.答案为B。"在20世纪40年代",必须有定冠词"the".此外,年代后要加's或s。"他已经40多岁了"要用in his forties。

26.答案为B。dozen与数词或多或少several, many连用时,复数不加s。dozens of表示数量很多,在修饰有these,the等词限定的名词时,可用dozen of的形式。如:three dozen of these eggs.

27.C 28.A 29.C 30.B 31.D 32.C

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