Here you are.
There he comes.
Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.
In between these two extremes are those people who agree with the jury system as a whole, but feel that some changes need to be implemented to improve its effectiveness.
二. 采用部分倒装情况
never, no, neither, not only, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom, rarely, not until, nowhere, at no time, on no account, in no respect, in no sense, by no means, in vain, still less。如:
Not only is its direct attack on their discipline, it bypasses the essence of what sociologists focus on.
Under no circumstances should we do anything that will benefit ourselves but harm the interests of the state.
Little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.
Suddenly, Gallup’s name was on everyone’s lips; not only was he the prophet of the moment, but it was generally believed that he had founded a new and most important method of prediction.
only then, only at that time, only once, only in this way, only with, only through, only by, only when, only after, only because。如:
Only when you have obtained sufficient data come to a sound conclusion.
[A]can you [B]would you [C]you will [D]you can
often, so, well, to such a degree, to such an extent, to such extremes, to such a point, many a time。如:
So involved with their computers that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.
[A]became the children [B]become the children
[C]had the children become [D]do the children become
as, than引导的比较从句中,如果主语是名词短语且较长,经常采用倒装结构(不倒装也可以)。注意:这种结构主语一般为名词,如果是代词则不倒装。如:
Hydrogen burns much more cleanly than do other fuels and is easy to produce.
Today’s electuic cars cannot go as fast as gasoline-driven vehicles because the battery does not offer the same amount of energy as does gasoline combustion.
Reading is to the mind as is exercise to the body.
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