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East of China lies Japan.日本在中国的东部。

The ship sailed west.船向西航行。

(15) 形容词最高级前不加定冠词的情况

① 如果形容词最高级用来加强语气,表示“非常、及其”的意思,前面一般不用定冠词。

She was in closest touch with us.她和我们联系密切。

He is a most learned scholar in physics.他是一位渊博的物理学者。

② 作表语的形容词最高级,只用来同自身比较,并且无一定范围时,前面不用定冠词。

The lake is deepest at the point.这个湖这点最深。

Vegetables are best when they are fresh.蔬菜新鲜的时候最好。

③ 如果形容词最高级用来修饰同源宾语,前面不用定冠词,只用物主代词。

She smiled her sweetest smile.她最甜的一笑。

She shouted her loudest shout.她使劲喊。

④ 如果形容词最高级在由that, though, as 引导得倒装让步状语从句中,前面不用定冠词。

Youngest though he is, he is the wisest.他虽然最年轻,但最睿智。

Most strong-bodied man as he is, he can’t move the big stone. 他虽然是最强壮的,但他也搬不动那块大石头。

⑤ 再at(the)least, at (the) worst, at (the) best, at (the) latest, at (the) most, at (the) farthest等短语中,the 常省略。

He will be back on May 15 at latest.他最迟5月15号回来。

It cost $100 at most.这最多值100美元。

(16) 抽象名词、复数名词和单数名词前一般不用定冠词。

Wisdom is better than strength.智慧远胜武力。

Misfortunes never come singly.祸不单行。

(17) by 同post, wire, radio, telegram, bus, car, taxi, tube, plane, boat, water, land, letter, air等习语中不用定冠词。

He came here by air.他坐飞机来的.

He like traveling by sea.他喜欢坐船旅行。

(18) 由of, in等引导的用作定语的短语,如果是描述性的名词前不用定冠词,如果是分类性的,被修饰的名词前要用定冠词。

Waste of food is not allowed here.这里不准放生活垃圾。

They say conditions in a hotel should be favorable.他们说宾馆的条件应当受到赞扬。(描述性)

They say the conditions in this hotel should be the best in the city.他们说这家宾馆的条件应当是该是最好的。(分类性)

(19) 以人名作为书名、剧名、电影名时;以作者的名字表示作品时,前不用定冠词。

I am reading Einstein.我再读《爱因斯坦》。

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是一出悲剧。

Have you read Mark Twain.你读过马克•吐温的作品吗?

(20) 含有province省、city市、county县、District区的普通名词转化的专有名词前;含有station, park等专有名词前。

He was born in Yinan County, Shandong province.他出生在山东省沂南县。

Meet me at Beijing Railway Station.到北京站接我。

(21) 有些习惯用语要求不用定冠词。

at noon 在中午 go to church 去做礼拜 go to town去城镇

in fact 事实上 by air 乘飞机 by sea 乘船

from dawn until dark从早到晚 hand in hand手牵手 side by side肩并肩

face to face面对面 in surprise惊奇的


out of question毫无疑问 take a chair就座

out of the question不可能的 take the chair主持会议

in case of 以防,如果万一 take place发生

in the case of 就来…说,至于 take the place(of)代替

in front of 在…前面 take a rest休息

in the front在…的前部 take(one's)rest就寝

in body亲自、自行 in the way挡路

in a body一起,全体 in a way稍许,有几分






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