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A.needs  B.are needing C.want  D.are wanting

8、On each side of the street   a lot of trees.

A.stands  B.grow  C.is standing D.are grown

9、Some person   calling for you at the gate.

A.are    B.is   C.is being  D.will be

10、All that can be eaten   eaten up.

A.are being  B.has been  C.had been  D.have been

11、Tom’s teacher and friend   Mr. Smith.

A.are   B.is   C.are being  D.has

12、Your new clothes fit you, but mine   me.

A.doesn’t fit B.don’t fit  C.doesn’t fit for D.don’t fit for

13、Neither he nor I   for the plan.

A.am   B.are   C.is   D.were

14、Many a student   that mistake before.

A.has made B.have made C.has been made D.had made

15、Peter, perhaps John,   playing with the little dog.

A.is   B.are   C.were  D.seems

16、Laying eggs   the ant queen’s full-time job.

A.is   B.are   C.has   D.have

17、Between the two buildings    a monument.

A.stand  B.stands  C.standing  D.is standing

18、I, who   your good friend, will share your joys and sorrow.

A.am   B.is   C.are   D.was

19、The United Nations   in 1945.

A.were found B.were founded C.was founded D.was found

20、   were also invited to the party.

A.Mr Smith B.The Smith C.The Smiths D.Smiths

21、The glass works   in 1959.

A.were set up B.was set up C.were put up D.were built

22、Three hours with your girl friend    to be a short time.

A.seem  B.seems C.is seeming  D.has seemed

23、It was reported that six   including a boy.

A.was killed B.were killed C.was killing D.had killed

24、The police   a prisoner.

A.is searching for B.are searching forC.is searching D.are searched for

25、Deer  faster than dogs.

A.run  B.runs  C.are running D.will run

26、The wounded  good care of here now.

A.is taken B.are being taken C.are taking  D.is taking

27、The whole class   greatly moved at his words.

A.was   B.were  C.had   D.is

28、Over 80 percent of the population of China   peasants.

A.was  B.is C.are  D.will be

29、There   a knife and fork on the table.

A.seems to be B.seem to be  C.is seeming to be D.are

30、Those who   singing may join us.

A.are liking  B.likes  C.enjoy  D.is fond of

31、His family   music lovers.

A.all are  B.are all  C.is   D.are being

32、A professor and a writer   present at the meeting.

A.was  B.is C.were  D.had been

33、The pair of shoes    worn out.

A.was   B.were  C.have been D.had been

34、The students in our school each   an English dictionary.

A.have  B.has   C.had   D.are having

35、More than one answer   to the question.

A.have been given B.has been given C.were given D.had given

36、The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who  from the countryside in our school. A.are B.is C.were  D.was

37、Our family   a happy one.

A.is  B.are   C.was   D.were

38、Most of the mistakes   because of carelessness.

A.were made B.are made C.has been made  D.were making

39、Most of his time   in reading novels.

A.are spent  B.is spent  C.were spent D.was spending

40、The rest of the novel   very interesting.

A.were  B.are   C.is   D.seem

41、I know that all   getting on well with her.

A.was   B.is   C.are   D.were

42、When and where this took place   still unknown.

A.are   B.were  C.is   D.has

43、Not only the workers but also the machine   not there.

A.are   B.were  C.is   D.has

44、Very few   his address in the town.

A.knows  B.know  C.are knowing D.has known

45、Ten thousand dollars   a large sum of money.

A.are   B.is   C.were  D.seem

46、Twenty miles   a long way to cover.

A.were  B.are   C.is   D.seem to be

47、Nine plus three   twelve.

A.makes  B.make  C.is making D.are making

48、There are two roads and either   to the station.

A.leads  B.lead   C.are leading D.is leading

49、My father, together with some of his old friends,   there already.

A.have been B.has been  C.had been  D.will be

50、My family as well as I   glad to see you.

A.am   B.are   C.is   D.was


1、A  因有连词but,所以谓语形式跟Nothing一致,用第三人称单数。见讲解4。

2、B  同上 3、B  见讲解2。 4、C  见讲解16。

5、C  定语从句看被修饰的先行词:the number of作主语用单数形式。见讲解9,19。

6、A  见讲解1。 7、C  见讲解2。 8、B  倒装句,要看后面的主语。见讲解3。

9、B  some person指“某人”是第三人称单数。见讲解13。

10、B 主语“all”指的是“food”,所以代不可数名词,是第三人称单数。见讲解13。

11、B  Tom’s teacher and friend,因friend前没有冠词,所以实际指的是同一个人。 见讲解5。

12、B  根据前一分句的意思,第二分句中的mine指的是“my new clothes”,因 此主语是复数。

13、A  neither…nor…连接主语,动词与后面的主语保持一致。见讲解15。

14、A  见讲解6。 15、A  见讲解4。 16、A  见讲解1,动名词作主语。 17、B  倒装,见讲解3。 18、A  见讲解9。 19、C  见讲解11。

20、C  因谓语动词是复数,所主语应是复,The Smiths是指史密斯一家人。

21、B  works在此句中是指工厂,所以是单数。 22、B  见讲解10。

23、B  six在这儿指的是人,因此用复数形式。 24、B  见讲解17。

25、A  deer, sheep是单、复数同形,根据后面的dogs,前面的deer应是复数(单 数前应有a)。 26、B  见讲解14。 27、B  见讲解12,因人才能受感动,所以the whole class是指全班的成员。 28、C  见讲解18。 29、A  见讲解5。刀、*是一副而论,所以看作单数。 30、C  见讲解9。 31、B  见讲解12。 32、C  见讲解4,注意与第11题比较。

33、A  因此句主语是pair,所以用单数。

34、A  因此句主语是the students,所以用复数。如果each作主语,谓语动词则用 第三人称单数形式。如:Each of the students / Each student has an English dictionary.

35、B  此句中的主语是one answer,所以谓语动词应与它保持一致。

36、B  根据句意,这个男孩是学校中唯一来自农村的学生,自然后面的定语从句 的主语是单数,所以谓语动词用单数形式,又因主从句时态保持一致,故B   是唯一正确答案。

37、A  见讲解12。 38、A  见讲解2。39、B  见讲解16。

40、C  这部小说的剩余部分,还没超出“一”,用单数。

41、C  见讲解13,不定代词all在此句中代“与她相处的人”,所以是复数。

42、C  见讲解1,when and where this took place是一个从句。

43、C  见讲解15。 44、B  few在此代人,是复数。 45、B  见讲解10。

46、C  同上。 47、A  同上。 48、A  见讲解7。 49、B  见讲解4。 50、B  同上。



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