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-----No, but if I time, I very glad to go there.

A. have, will be B, had had, would have been

C. had, would be D. had had, would be

14. If you George, would you please tell him to ring me?

A. saw B. were to C. have seen D. see

15. You didn’t let me drive. If we ____ in turn, you ____ so tired.

A. drove, didn’t get B. drove, wouldn’t get

C. were driving, wouldn’t get D. had driven, wouldn’t have got

16. I am sure he hasn’t sent the letter. If he it, I .

A. sent, got B. sent, have got C. sent, would go D. had sent, would have got.

17. The two strangers talked as if they ____ friends for years.

A. should be B. would be C. have been D. had been

18. Jane’ pale face suggested that he ____ ill, and her parents suggested that she ____ a medical examination.

A. be, should have B. was, have C. should be, had D. was, has

19. _____ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.

A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will

20. When he was there, he ____ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

A. would B. should C. had better D. might

21.____ for the free tickets, _____ I would not have gone to the films so often.

A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not

22. There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You ____ come, but why didn’t you?

A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have

23. I should have been there, but I ___ not find the time.

A. would B. could C. might D. should

24. If he ____ quietly as the doctor instructed, he wouldn’t suffer so much now.

A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie

25. How I wish every family ___ a large house with a garden.

A. has B. had C. will have D. had had

26. I thought you ____ like something to read , so I have brought you some books.

A. might B. may C. could D. must

27. There was plenty of time. She ____.

A. needn’t have hurried B. couldn’t have hurried C. must not hurry D. mustn’t have hurried

28. It was necessary that he about what had happened.

A. be told B. was told C. should tell D. tell

29. It was strange that we short of water in the country where it was always raining.

A. are B. be C. should be D. both B and C

30. You any difficulty now, if you had made a more careful plan.

A. won’t meet with B. would not meet with

C. would not have met with D. have not met with

31. .He did his best in everything, he would not have seen what he was.

A. and B. but C. otherwise D. but that

32. ---You should have gone to the show with us yesterday. It is very good.

----I wished I , but I was busy with my report.

A. had B. did C. would have D. were

33. ---- Would you have told him the answer, if possible?

-----Yes, I would have, but I very busy.

A. had been B. were C. was D. would be

34. If only I his advice, but I am sorry I did.

A. would not take B. would not have taken

C. did not take D. had not taken

35. It is time we to the concert. A. went B, go C. will go D. should go

36. ---I’d like to get a job in that computer shop.

---I would much rather you ___at home and ___ care of the children.

A. stay, take B. stayed, took C. should stay, took D. stayed, take

37. If we ___ birth control earlier, China ___ such a large population.

A. had begun, wouldn’t have B. had begun, wouldn’t have had

C. began, wouldn’t have D. should begin, wouldn’t have had

38. They treats the granny as if she ____ their own mother. A> is B. was C. were D. had been

39. ---What do you think of the food here? ---Oh, wonderful! WE ___ a better place.

A. won’t find B. mustn’t have found C. can’t find D. couldn’t have found

40. We ___ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study

41. It was suggested that the match ___ because of the weather.

A. would be put off B. should put off C. must be put off D. be put off

42.If only I ___ to your advice and returned home in time.

A. listened B. had listened C. would listen D. would have listened

43. ___, there would be no industry.

A. Without steel B. If there is not steel C. There would be no steel D. If there was not steel

44.---Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? ---I wish I ___, but I ___ study for a test.

A. had, will have to B. would, had to C. did, have to D. could, have to

45. He spoke as if he ___ in space at that moment.

A. had walked B. were walking C. would walk D. walked

46. I would do it in a different way ___ it.

A. were I do B. were I to do C. should I to do D. had I done

47. But for his help, they ___ over the mountain in such a short time.

A. had not run B. have not run C. couldn’t have run D. can’t have run

48. There is nothing left. I wish I ___ so much money on clothes.

A. haven’t spent B. hadn’t spent C. couldn’t have spent D. not spend

49. ---Why are you late? ---I got caught in traffic; otherwise I ___ here on time.

A. would have been B. was C. were D. had been

50. ---What happened to the trees planted last spring?

---The trees ___ well. But they didn’t take good care of them.

A. would grow B. shall have grown C. would have grow D. might grow

51. He would have died ___ that doctor.

A. hadn’t it been B. it id had been C. were it for D. had it not been for

52. What would you do if you __ a house on fire? A. saw B. see C. have seen D. had seen


1-5 DDDCD 6-10 BDBAC    11-15 ABCAD

16-20 DDBBA 21-25 CDBCB 26-30 AAADB

31-35 CCCDA 36-40BACDC 41-45DBADB




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